In the 3 years I was with my soon to be ex N, I met 3 of her friends exactly, I mean exactly, 4 times of merit. One was early on and never again, another was my ex N's daughter's god parents, and only when they came by to take the kid to dinner. And I will clarify the 3rd, she was the across the street friend who hung with the N and her previous husband and to this day is still a "friend" (I still can't define the relationship). I have met the 3rd friend more than once. But except one night of really hanging out, the 3rd friend would come by our house with my N's ex for very short periods of time. And I will admit to attending 2 weddings, one of her friend's kids, and my N's family. And we lived within 40 minutes of all these people and in Chicago, that's nothing. Sure, at times I didn't want to go out and hang, but, I always supported her when she indicated she wanted to get together with these folks. My N was great at "let's get together" while on the phone. The N and I would target a date but she never followed up.
But being able to count the times meeting N's friends on my fingers is an indictment. My N of course stopped wanting to see my friends bec she felt out of place, she was "bored" with the reminiscing of college days. But, true to form, while intoxicated, she admitted that she felt she didn't have the "education" to participate in conversation. My friends are all college grads, but, the conversations were always about everyday activities and interest. They are not rocket scientists. Just good average people. My N wasn't the center of attention so she checked out.
Now that we're divorcing, she has contacted some of these friends. Going back to the people who filled her up years ago. Using people again.