Author Topic: Slowing down of Board  (Read 3675 times)


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Slowing down of Board
« on: September 28, 2008, 02:32:25 PM »
hi all,

Is this slowing down of the Board for fear of Dr. Grossman stopping it?

I expect the slowing down gives him more reason to stop the Board! and we have a until next summer?

Have all of everybody's problems disappeared?

Sometimes we just mention simpler things, like, for me: I am not ready for a power chair and I will not pay out $6.000.00 ot more for one when my apartment is NOT modified. Those damned things are BIG and will talke up more space than my sofa chair--maybe they could put a battery on it!!

In looking around to where my wall plugs are, for keeping it plugged in, I would have to sell, not move, sell my china cabinet,
and I have not even had my shoulders x-rayed or tested in any way and as my daughter saud---I am not Rick Hansen crossing Canada by chair, I am just going to the Library--.


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Re: Slowing down of Board
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2008, 04:09:20 PM »
Have you ever had the feeling that you were the only human left on earth?
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Re: Slowing down of Board
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2008, 04:28:54 PM »
Yes, Iz...the board is working so much slower.  Even when all the fighting was going on at least it was VITAL.  Now since the doc closed it down and kicked some people off it feels like it is winding down.  If any of the few of us get busy then it really goes slow.  I miss seeing MUD and Leah and CB and even Reallyme who started to remind me of my mom and I lost patience with her - I miss her!! 

I am glad for you and Hops and SS and where the heck is Ami?  She used to be on the board NONSTOP!  In a few short months she had passed me on the amount of threads I was on, etc.  She seems to be quite silent of late.

Love it when I see Teartracks and Lighter and deb and ann3.........we just seem to be talking less and less.........

Where is Portia and Flower??

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Re: Slowing down of Board
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2008, 05:14:20 PM »
Thanks OC

Hopefully they are watching to see what will happen and if there is another place to go!

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Re: Slowing down of Board
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2008, 07:10:10 PM »
Yes, Izzy,
I think wothout the new blood and new members to share their worries and old timers to help direct them, it just isn't the same. I think we all know each other very well here. I am sure you all know what my flare-ups will be. I will be OK for a while, and then have a short period of anger. You all will help me see a bit better, and so on... I could run a list like this for most of us. So I think without the new ideas, and newcomers to help, we just don't have the same vavoom.
Love, Beth
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Gaining Strength

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Re: Slowing down of Board
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2008, 07:20:38 PM »
Beth - there are times that I have thought the lack of new blood has something to do with the slow down.  I know that there has been a big change in the cast of characters in the past two years but then I think how 3D friendships have longevity and have much to talk about in their lives and wonder why that isn't the case here.  I know it has to do with the medium but it seems like there would still be lots to talk about even if no new folks can enter the conversation.  Apparently I'm wrong.


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Re: Slowing down of Board
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2008, 08:22:38 PM »
well Hi there,

I went shopping today and to 3 other stores. I was in a hurry to get it all done and get home.

My jacket zipper wouldn't work so I stapled the bottom 4 inches so that my speeding along the sidewalk wouldn't have it blowing back on both sides, slowing me down--not aerodynamic and my breasts shrivel up. (Paid $87.00 for the jacket and the zipper has the 'strips' on the wrong side....the 'puller' is on the right...never used it get dirty from wheels....I usually look for shades of particular the shade of our clay.

In one store I saw a guy who kind of looked like an actor in "The Orchid's ____?" movie so I asked him if he was a movie actor.

He started to talk and went on and on and on to me and to the clerk and I was really sorry I had asked as I didn't have time for that and right in the middle of his first pause, I asked the clerk something and everything slowed down and finally he was gone!

I went on to the bookstore, the the bank , then the grocery store. My list read, Produce, Meat,  not my usual way so looked awfully short, so I took just 2 of my canvas bags, and bought 2 loaves of bread..... I needed 3 plastic bags on top of that, $105.79

I asked the clerk for 2 pk cigs, Du Maurier King size, and she went across the aisle with the keys to the blacked out cupboard, then asked me from there
Was it Du Maurier?
Regular or King?
King........2,,,, ok ?

She changed cupboards and came back with a carton. I had to send her back. Then she asked for help packing and it was a gal from my apartment building, now ex, as her mother died.... she was really good and now I am back and my 'fridge looks full

I washed out 2-2 Qt. juice cartons --5Alive and Orange juice and they are on the top shelf and it makes my 'fridge look fuller and healthy-- :lol:  :lol:

So you see we can talk about other things too? Just to let everyone know that all is well and life is just as crazy as we make it!...and if no one answers then we know we really ARE crazy

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Re: Slowing down of Board
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2008, 03:15:55 AM »

....and haven't had the news on.

I am so sorry. will check but he must have been young. How terribly sad!

« Last Edit: September 29, 2008, 03:59:08 PM by Izzy_*now* »
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Re: Slowing down of Board
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2008, 03:53:37 PM »
Hey CB,

I share you concern, your sadness,  for the friend who lost his life and your son's broken heart.  I am too going through this right now with my own son.

His friend was murdered.  He was shot on Sat night and removed from life support on Sunday night.   My son is taking it very hard.
His friend had his own tragedy when 17.  Something very traumatic to him.. Life changing..and now...he's gone...same way....his mother was murdered when he was on the phone with the police by his father...

His death at 22.. was trying to save another  ( over a girl ) ...stepping in....and his life taken. 

I am sorry for your son's friend...I am sorry for the pain your son is dealing with....


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Re: Slowing down of Board
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2008, 08:47:10 PM »
I feel really lonely here these days.  Things used to move so fast.  I've been looking for other forums and have found a couple but they are so different.  First of all I love the software used here.  It is the easiest to navigate that I have ever come across.  But the other thing is that people really get to know each other here and that is different from other forums that I have found. 

One of the things that I used to love about this place is that I could come on in the evening and there would be a bunch of people posting.  I could post something and find 3 or 4 people posting at the same time.  At times it was more like a conversation than HOURS between posts.  It felt like a community.  That was really nice - especially for someone like me who does not have people to call on the phone or to get together with and talk.  Very lonely.


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Re: Slowing down of Board
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2008, 09:01:16 AM »
I agree that here I have found the kindest and most helpful group here. Maybe my pulling away is because I feel the group will disband and I am trying to fade out before I am forced to. I am not sure.
I am also very busy in 3D (maybe too busy).
CB and Deb, I am sorry for your children's losses. That must be so difficult. It is so hard to take when a young person dies, no matter what the cause.
I do care deeply for so many people here. Sometimes I feel I am simply a drain with my recurring issues. I think that is why I felt more compfortable, too, with newcomers joining - at least I felt I was reaching out to someone and affecting someone's life in a positive way.
Izzy, because I do like people here, I am interested in the day-to-day dealings of their lives.
Love, Beth
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Re: Slowing down of Board
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2008, 02:30:19 PM »
When I posted my last post about this place I had not read about Debkor and CB's children's losses.  I feel embarrassed.  Those are such tragic experiences.  When I see my post in context of what you both wrote I see such extreme callousness but I want you to know that I actually had not seen them.

My heart breaks for all concerned.  There is so much tragedy in this world.  I went to a funeral of a man who I met through his "now" wife when we were all in college.  He took his own life Friday at his home when two of his children were there. 

Just too much tragedy to comprehend.  My thoughts are with you both while you support and tend to your children at this terrible time of loss.


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Re: Slowing down of Board
« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2008, 06:40:08 PM »
Izzy.... I believe you could put a heavy duty power cord behind your china cabinet, easily accessed from one side..i.. raised to a comfortable height.... no need to get rid of the cabinet?

I may be wrong but..... that's the way I have to do things where I am now.

As for not having space for the power chair.....

so you have to get rid of one easy chair (you prolly don't use.)

Eh..... your shoulder's are worth far more than a chair.

It's just a consideration (your doc thinks is necessary.)

CB and Deb..... sorry to hear about the pain and loss your children are experiencing.



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Re: Slowing down of Board
« Reply #13 on: September 30, 2008, 07:20:25 PM »
I feel badly for those who are anxious over the board's waxing and waning...

I too am getting more engaged in m 3D life, and sometimes just can't summon the focus to say all I'd like to.

For what it's worth, I do love y'all and I know that there will be a way to stay in touch.

Since my life in 3-D is going so much faster right now, on so many planes, I can't participate as much as I used to.

But my affection and gratitude are as strong as ever.

I promise not to vanish without warning, and just for August seems like a good long stretch of time away.

love to all,
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Re: Slowing down of Board
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2008, 07:21:05 PM »
Hi lighter

My Dr. said I didn't need a power chair if I didn't want one.

I will get one when I am ready and it feels right and necessary.

I will also go by an examination (x-rays, whatever) and not just because someone says so. If she told me to buy combat boots I wouldn't: or a hemet, or elbow pads or an Uzi.

I'll get ALL of them when I need too.

Thanks for thinking of me.
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