I'm sorry if I sounded harsh. Yes, rant away. But, been thinking: You may be very enmeshed with your FOO and that's why it's hard to leave them & detach from them. I was very enmeshed & I work on it everyday. Getting over detachment means that no matter what they do, we say "I no longer care what they do or say, let them do whatever they want, I know they will never change, so I detach from them and focus on my own life".
So, sharing my knowledge with you: the best way to overcome enmeshment is to detach from the FOO. It's ironic that our FOO's abuse can have the effect that we have difficulty leaving them and detaching from them (enmeshment), but, that's how it is.
This is why I said try to move out of their house asap. They will NEVER change (we ACONS must learn to accept this) and that will only drive you crazy.
Even though intellectually I understand the sickness...the reality of it just seems to hit me in the gut.
Sun, something else I learned: If we really want to change & improve our lives, we must accept & undertsand their "sickness" (and how that sickness hurt us) on a deep emotional, gut level. IMO,once we have that deep emotional acceptance, then, we can rise like a phoenix from the ash. I know you can do it!!!!!!!