Hey All,
I know I have been quiet lately and I wanted to explain why.
My sister came to visit a few weeks ago and we finally got down to the nitty gritty on NM. She has been "mad" at her, she said, for a long time. She was finally able to accept what I told her - that M is an N and has no feelings for others. I even told her about the emails to the other man and that my Nm was going on about this other man not calling when Dad was around and such. My sister was not shocked and took it in as part of my Nm's cruel personality.
Believe it or not, I feel quite freed because of this. I just don't feel so alone anymore and I am able to put NM to the back of my mind and pretty much skim over whatever dealings I have with her. I have also been able to somewhat strengthen my relationship with my dad, which has been so nice.
My sister really seems to see a lot of what is there. She did say that I tend to go overboard on blaming Nm of things and assuming she is being maliscious when perhaps she is not. I told her I know this is likely true, but With how deceitful she is and has been, I just assume she will be.
All in all, I am feeling much better about all of the FOO stuff. I am worried about my dad as he has gotten pneumonia and now severe resperitory infections and I (and my sister) are sure it has to do with how filthy the house is.
Thank you all for being here for me for so long. I am not going away, but my life has been altogether too busy with hubby gone, the kids both playing sports (the entire weeka nd each weekend have been full to the brim). Happily, football is over next week and I might have a few moments to do something other than shuttle kids around and try to fit in grocery shopping

Lots of love,