Something occurs to me...
you said:
It is time to leave the old behind. A lifetime of going back trying to clean up the past, make up the errors, get it right, get included. I am somehow holding onto the old pain - just the way I have held onto my HOPE for relationship with my mother.
Well - the past can't be undone, dear. Remember, there's no right/wrong way to be. You just ARE, what you are. Don't beat yourself up for not being where you want to be yet. That's like me kicking myself for still smoking - only makes it harder.
There's not a thing in the world wrong with you, so if you're feeling rejected by people in the Now; maybe you've approached the wrong people. There are lots & lots of people out there who take themselves so seriously - so self-important - that even simple friendliness offered by a "stranger" or acquaintance is an affront to them. Myself - I don't want to hang out with those kinds of people. My friends have been from all over the socio-economic scale; from all different "worlds"; what mattered was whether they were fun, interesting, and tolerant of "weirdos" - meaning myself and others. It's made for a motley crew of people in my life - sure! But, I don't need to impress anyone with "who I know". I just like them, for who they are.
Groups remind me of herd instinct; lemmings. And I still resist all attempts to identify with one - even my tai chi family. So, I guess I simply connect with people - it's not even my own group because they don't know each other - people who've enriched my life with who they are: like you have. This strategy does avoid the whole problem of being included, I guess. And I probably developed it for precisely the same feelings you're having, as a young teen. I saw groups as limiting; restricting; having too many "rules" about behavior and clothing and activities. So I knew people from many, many different groups. Maybe that's why you were walking away from the circle building?