For the two plus years I have been here I have written so many times about my struggle to get past the paralysis that keeps me bound. It took me about a year to recognize that part of the binding shackles was shame and then it took another year to find a way to overcome that shame.
The next trick was figuring out why the paralysis persisted still. I went through many concepts and permutations and frustrations and came up with a number of factors.
Today I find myself facing head on the memories of the profound shaming, criticism and belittlement for anything and everything that I did or did not do. It began early and was taught to my brothers. They joined the fray. The power of this all is astonishing - the power to destroy.
I have little if any contact with my father and middle brother. I am in contact with my mother and with my oldest brother, I exchange occassional e-mails and phone calls, mostly concerning my mother. The NC alone has done nothing to free me. I internalized this shaming and humiliation into a cellular level as such a young age. The job of shifting that immediate physiological response is not an easy one but is essential and necessary to making the change and the healing.
So much of my shut down, has been an unconscious attempt to avoid the pain, to shut down the anxiety of the anticipated humiliation, anticipated rejection, anticipated sabotage. I can not longer allow my life to continue to be wasted. There is so much to be done - so much healing and so much living.
I have missed what this place once was. It is the only place I have found in my entire life where people understand the force of the damaging wounds of growing up in an N family.
I was driving this morning thinking about the concept of forgiveness and remembering that some people at other sites have suggested that THE barrier to my healing was forgiving the wounders. (Mind you this person is a kind and caring human who knew next to nothing about my life, my experiences, my pain.) I tried her suggestion for some time and got some relief from it but today I was thinking about it again and it was still sticking in my craw. Why? I wondered. I am a firm believer that lack of forgiveness eats away at my heart, my being. Why did her edict still bother me. Then I saw it - as bright as the morning sun - forgiveness cannot come before acknowledgment of the offense. It cannot.
Now, needless to say, my parents have not, will not, perhaps could not EVER acknowledge ANY offense toward me. So where will it come. I has come from here, from people here, both directly and indirectly by reading story after similar story.
The kind, caring but ignorant person who TOLD me to pray her prayer of forgiveness, no questions asked, did not take the time nor the interest to acknowledge the destructive offenses that I had experience, endured. She does not understand that forgiveness cannot be given until there is some acknowledgment of the offence.
The only place I have ever received that acknowledgement is here. I cannot bear to watch this community die. It is like losing a dear love one, searched for longed for and found at last only to lose them. It is truly painful.