Ann, you wrote: "I think the worst thing about Ns is that they cannot accept people as they are. IMO, I think Ns' inability to accept other people as they are (and their inability to accept reality as it exists) is the root core of their downfall. Also, Ns cannot accept people as they are because Ns cannot accept themselves as they are. So, the Ns' inner self hatred is projected on everyone else."
Ann, I think your statement above is very wise. It has to do with the "splitting" - the black/white thinking. With my N/BPD partner, he sees his current reality as either all good or all bad, or in his words "a disaster, disgusting..." whatever exaggerated words he can come up with. He never sees the 99 good things that are happening, only the 1 bad thing and he can't tolerate that, so everything becomes black and horrible. (seriously. This is the way it is moment to moment.) The only time he really gets cheery is if he's "on" - performing, even if we have visitors, but then I never know if it's all a veneer anyway.
And with people - it's the same thing. They can do 99 nice, great, wonderful things. But the one thing they do that proves them human makes them "bad" - to him. Even though he has done 10 times worse things - he still will judge others as "bad". It's interesting.....but really frustrating. You point this out to them and maybe a lightbulb goes off for 3 seconds, and then they are back in the same track and doing it again with the next thing/person. It's weird. Like they are incapable of learning.
Good points, very good topic,