Hi Ami,
To answer you, Yes!! Like, if you don't like Obama, you're a racist. I find the hypocrisy particularly glaring visa vise Condi Rice, the first Black woman to be Secy of State, but because she is Repub, the media did not celebrate the combination of her ethnicity & gender. Instead, some in the media made incredibly racists & sexists remarks & cartoons about her & the established media did not criticise the racism or sexism. So, I see that as a double standard.
IMO, the media adored Obama & the dye was cast. Had Hillary been elected, another barrier could have been broken: the gender barrier, but IMO, the media chose Obama over Hillary, so the dye was cast.
For me personally, I don't care about a candidate's gender or ethnicity. What matters to me is the candidate's experience & policies.
Look, sometimes your candidate wins & sometimes your candidate loses: that's how our system works. I just hope for the best.