I read a couple of internet forums and on one of them there was a
discussion last night about the election. One of the last posts was the
following from someone in the Netherlands. It is just amazing to me and
thought it would interesting for those of you here. (Boy do I miss the heyday of this place. I came here first last night looking for people to communicate with but noone was here. I was so disappointed. I wanted to be with my friends last night but noone was home.)
"Not just America is celebrating: the entire world has gone bonkers. It
was night here when the voting started, but the streets of the
Netherlands were anything but silent. And when Obama finally won... oh
man, my throat is still sore from cheering and I feel lightheaded by
staying up all night. But I don't care; nobody does. Online friends from
Paris have called me to ask if things were as wild over here as there,
and I could hear (illegal ) fireworks in the background. London is
partying, Germany is going nuts. It's over! The Bush nightmare is over!
I used to admire america, but the last eight years, they were seen as
nothing but bunch of pathetic bullies. It was like seeting Santa take
off his costume and smoke a sigarette, telling kids to scram. Now that
Obama has been elected, maybe the old days can come back and the USA can
be the lands of dreams again. Santa lives!"