Thanks, everyone... my inability to bring up the board at work feels like I've been missing a lot here. I've sent a message to Dr G, to see if it's something he can fix; it doesn't seem to be anything at school.
Things - both life things and situations and inner work - are moving really, really fast. It's really hard to come back and even pick up the thread of what I was working on... that you all have responded to with such great feedback... and connect it with my "now".
And I want so much to have the time, to check in on other people's threads and see how everyone is doing... maybe later.
CB: the issue of connecting... and how... and how much... for me, becomes work on boundaries. Hops: that natural emotional state is also an exploration of what my "natural" boundaries are... instead of the reactionary steel gates that I used for so long to "defend" myself. I started out from the position of not feeling "permitted" to have normal boundaries and then reacting by withdrawing into the "safety" of a seige tower... and have been working for so long on gradually defining "me"... separating out what was projected, getting to know the real "me" again... so much so, that I think I might be overcompensating.
In other words, I'm so focussed on boundaries... that I'm overlooking connecting to important people in my life... or simply forgetting to... not making time. It was like days (more like months & years) of gentle rain after a long, long period of drought to feel it was OK - and even important - to spend all this time on myself. And even then, I was approaching this from the perspective of needing to erect, maintain and stand watch over those boundaries.
My hubby's had enough, already. We talked about it... and agreed that my boundaries are thick steel walls, with an alligator-filled moat around them. This is still a defensive position. He suggested I think of a boundary as a fence. Fences have gates. People can be invited inside the gates... and I can go out. This is really important for me... a boundary is a demarcation or definition. Just a line in the sand. Me, not you. But for an "us" to exist, it must be possible to go in and out of the gate... to be on both sides of the fence without fear, or defensiveness.
Lately, my image of boundaries has evolved into the "bubble" - a membrane that's transparent and permeable. Emotions are like the gate in the fence or like the spaces between the cells of membrane/bubble... and when I can learn that it's OK to share emotions with people I trust (and even some I don't) without apologizing or diminishing my own expression of my feelings and thoughts... without caring how I am judged... then, I think I'll be "there". I went through some experiences of this back when I dealing with the old anger triggers... and like an awkward fledgling, sure 'nuff I hurt some people's feelings... expressed my anger with full force of the old wounds in situations that weren't nearly so significant. Trying to find a balance... my natural emotion versus a programmed reaction. Still. Isn't everyone?
Lines in sand and cell membrances are flexible and fluid... one minute stronger in a place... the next minute, more permeable. Boundaries are like this... too. There's no permanent boundary engraved in granite... and as my experience of my self evolves, so do those boundaries, I guess.
But instead of looking at, thinking about, and feeling "boundaries" from a defensive perspective... I'm working on doing this from a positive one and looking for those opportunities to use that gate in the fence more often. My "external" life - the things I'm now involved in - are practically pushing me along in this direction and I'm having to learn by the seat of my pants, on the fly... learn by doing... and ya know what? I think "there" is a moving target!
I'll be back as soon as I can. Hops, I'll be thinking of you a lot this week. The hearing on the house is Friday, isn't it? I hope so much that the matter is FINALLY resolved, once and for all and that you experience justice. I miss being able to talk to everyone... and I need to catch up with what's going on with everyone.