Hey Sun,
Thank you for understanding about my baby – she was my baby in so many ways.
The incubator’s reaction
was appallingly funny – in a dark humor kinda way - it is so typical. Being a child, she couldn’t legally put me down for making a mess – but she certainly did mentally eh?
is all about giving up hope.
And, for me, it was so painful; that death of hope.
That hope was all I had for so long. It was all I had to hold onto. I clung to that hope, because the reality was too harsh to believe.
Better to believe the dream may come true one day, or so I thought at the time.
But it was a total lie. Two years ago I had the final blow-out with my incubator. At that time, my hope died.
When my hope died, it was so incredibly painful. I was in a fog for quite awhile. But I came out. I still have my moments, but they are getting easier to get through. The past couple of days have been tough.
Dr. G has a very poignant story, here is the link:
http://www.voicelessness.com/disc3//index.php?topic=148.0I think it says it all.
I now have the family I choose – 10 or so years it took me, but it is there. So it is a different hope I think – a more realistic hope that you will find a true family.
Although, I have to laugh, I am feeling pretty grossed out by them. Please don’t think badly of me – I can’t help it – I am a bit of a germaphobe.
My niece, who I love to pieces, actually caused my tummy quite a bit of distress tonight – I still shudder when I think of what she did.
They have a dog with extremely bad breath. The dog won’t drink out of a bowl – he has to drink out of a glass, and it must be ice water. Oh lord – she shared a drink of water with the dog. I sat there and watched the dog drink, she would take a drink, the dog drank.

Ewwwww. Sorry I am a bit of a germaphobe – ewwww bad doggy breath germs. AND SHE DRANK IT. ACK!
Yuck it is still grossing me out!
::shuddering as I try to roll with the waves of nausea::
Have you ever smelled the breath of a 10-year-old dog who is dentally hygienically challenged?
I had a very hard time eating dinner after I saw that.
Love them, but really, ewwwwwww.
I thought of you often today (NOT in relation to the smelly dog breath – that was just an aside. And I apologize to those out there who have no problem sharing dog saliva – It just isn’t in me.)
You know, for years I had the T-day with my family. I hated it. No matter what, it was always awful. The catering to the GC. The sly subtle put downs to me.
If you had T-day with the incubator and sperm donor – in all honesty what would it really be like? From what you have said, I get a mental picture of them putting a speaker phone on the table so that they can have GC there – and everyone else is ignored.
And I am so very, very sorry for that.
Sun – you deserve so much better - they are really, really broken. It is nothing that you have done, there is nothing wrong with you that made them treat you this way. It is them, and their inability to love more than one.
I have an autistic nephew (GC’s son). When he was first diagnosed, my incubator actually said that she can’t think of the baby – her heart was too sad for the GC. Her words: I am worried for my son and can't think of ***, he doesn't matter - it is my son's pain I am feeling. I can remember thinking at the time - isn't your heart big enough for both? I guess not.
How sick and sad? I still can’t fathom it.
Time to find some better people – eh? Even if they drink stinky doggy breath – at least it is real.
It is your turn Sun - time for you to shine.
Love to you from a still very nauseous Peace,