Hello All:
Happy Pre-Thanksgiving......I feel the need to vent today...even though I'm telling myself I shouldn't...The holdiays always tend to bring it out in me. I realized one of the reasons these holidays tend to be difficult for me is it is when family outbursts occur. In my N family, these outbursts are rare, but so damaging. My Nmom was in the category of "ignoring" rather than "obsessive." She completely ignored us totally unless we served her purpose....So unless one of us dared to question her, disagree with her (which was rare), then all was well and no outbursts.
Fast forward to my latest outburst. I really kicked myself afterward.....for letting it get to me and for not accepting my reality....but this is what happened. Yesterday, my Nmom and Super-Codependent Dad, gave me directions on household tasks that needed to be taken care of this holiday weekend. They announced they were leaving today (Wednesday) for spend the entire long holiday weekend (through Sunday) with my very Nsis and her boyfriend. I felt the internal kick to the stomach, but did not say anything. However, and this is the part where I kick myself....I got really upset about it and started crying. They had already left the room but I guess heard my crying and returned to confront me....
I won't go into all the grimy details...but I questioned why they couldn't compromise and spend some time with all of their chidren, not just my sister. My Nmom, in the very cold manor that only an N can pull off, informed me she does not feel sorry for me (that I would be alone), because it's my fault. It's my fault, she said, because I refuse to "give in." Her idea of "giving in" would be to accompany them to my Nsis' and do whatever they wanted, however they wanted...and to turn my back on my brother. (A little history: A dozen years again, my Nsis disowned my brother and his family because they didn't select her as Godmother. Since since, she refused to be in the same room with him...and both my brother and I have separated ourselves from her. Naturally, my Nmom sided with her and since then, spends every holiday, weekend, vacation, evening (via phone) with her and her alone. You get the picture.)
It was quite clear that neither my Nmom or CO-D dad can see any other option in life but for everyone to go along with what they want. Compromise is for other people, not them. It is also my Nmom's way of punishing me....My Nmom complained, "Shouldn't I be allowed to have fun? Why should I stay home on the holiday weekdn?" Not surprisingly, the word "I" was populated throughout this entire outburst. Meanwhile, my dad stood meekly by her side and did not utter a single, solitary word. Ultimately, it is my Nmom's way or the highway....Never anything in the middle. I tried, in vain, to make them see what they are doing..but of course it didn't work...It was fruitless. They simply don't care about anyone but themselves as their chosen child Ndaughter. And so they left.
Naturally, it has left me very upset, drained and feeling alone, not to mention stupid for falling into their trap. So, I know I need to find someplace to live...and get out of the situation as best I can....But I also realized how entrenched their Narcississm has affected me. I think, "So where should I go?" Where do I look? Should I relocate where I will have no one? Then again, here I really have no one either? When you grow up in a family where everything is about the Ns, then "you" don't exist. But you have to learn to "exist" in order to make decisions about your life. I feel like I am on this tiny island by myself far, far away from everything and everyone...I am invisible and withering away day by day, with no one to take notice.
I don't want to go through this at Christmas too. So, I think should I take a trip somewhere to get away? Should I look to relocate? In the end, mostly I just feel consumed with hurt and sadness and anger by it all....by the fact that they viciously threw in my face once again that I don't matter.
Alas, just a vent....I apologize...but after the outburst, I looked around me and just realized how alone I was in all of this. I am thinking that perhaps some of you can relate to some of my experience.