It wasn't that they made more of a profit on SUVs than electric cars it was that they lost a fortune on electric cars. They cost an arm and a leg and had no range or cargo room. There was no market for them and they lost money on every one they sold.
The Chevy Volt coming in 2010, an all electric car, will be sold at a loss because all electric cars, even with new technology, still cannot compete economically with gas ones.
If these guys are as greedy as folks assume wouldn't one of them have produced this mythical super car by now and retired with billions in his pocket? The technology simply does not exist yet to build all these fantastical green alternative vehicles.
The reason they're going broke is quite simple; their labor costs are about $75 per hour.
The non union American plants of Toyota, Nissan, Honda, BMW etc have labor costs of about $45 per hour.
This results in a competitive disadvantage for the big three of about 15% per average car. No one can compete with that disadvantage. That is why they all need to go bankrupt, so they can reorganize and get the UAW off their backs to survive. They cannot survive in their current form. There will be no jobs, union or otherwise, at any of them if they don't change their labor costs.
Overseas, where Ford and GM have equal labor costs with their competitors, they are healthy, profitable and in many cases dominant.
The unfortunate fact is the manufacturing jobs we all bemoan losing over the last several decades have virtually all been in industries dominated by unions. Steel, tires, textiles, electronics etc. Some industries have left never to return. Some like steel have shed their unions or the unions have sensibly adapted to lower wages and become competitive again.
I notice that most of the people who tell us we live in one big global village and that people in the undeveloped world desrve a chance at prosperity are also often the ones who do their best to keep artificially high paying jobs here shielded from the rest of the globe and protest when some of those impossible to sustain wages and jobs are sent out to the rest of the globe to lift it out of poverty.