Author Topic: Truth....that's it ... just truth! Who agrees?  (Read 3980 times)


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Re: Truth....that's it ... just truth! Who agrees?
« Reply #15 on: November 23, 2008, 08:29:08 PM »
Iz, loved reading your topic and Finding Peace, I LOVED reading your contribution.  Soooooo interesting and I made so many analogies....

What if the way we view "reality" is based on our own "base system"?  What if we are all seeing the same amount of apples, but we are explaining what we perceive based on our base system?  I know EXACTLY what you mean, Peace, about perceptions of reality and how mine can lead me way into left field. 

I have found something very practical--if I can explain to my partner within a few minutes what "base system" I am operating from, we usually can come to a greater understanding of each other and what we are disagreeing over.  If I make a couple of attempts and don't connect, its better to just let it go.  This has been a HUGE relational skill that I have never gotten before.  (there's usually another chance with another issue later). 

Man....I am a slow learner on this.  But it has been the reason we have built the depth of relationship that we have.  I'm sure of it.  It's counter intuitive though--it assumes that the strength of the relationship is not built on understanding each other, but on accepting each other. 

A few months ago, I think I shared here something that I had read about understanding.  That an author I was reading said that no one ever really understands us.  Not really.  If we insist on that, we will hit constant dead ends in our relationships.  What that is really saying is that no one really sees our perception of truth.  What that means to me is NOT that I give up on the existence of truth, but rather on the experience of knowing it.   

I wonder if our deep grief and disappointment about that is the reason so many of us on this board either avoid or struggle with close relationships? 

Anyway, thanks for the thought provoking discussion.

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Re: Truth....that's it ... just truth! Who agrees?
« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2008, 09:06:51 PM »
Oh FP and CB

I loved those posts. More to mull over.

I began (1st grade)school at age 5, in 1946. It was somewhere in the early '60s that the 'new math' appeared. The Toronto Telegram (now defunct newspaper) had a new slice of info every day and I began to try to learn it. Eventually it lost me. In the early '90s I was a volunteer assistant to a primary school teacher. I had to ask him to show me how with the subtraction in new math.

When  my daughter became somewhat a guru with her calculus, I felt really left out.

FP, I never got into any other really, than my original math (basic arithmetic) then algebra and trigonometry in Gr 13, 1956. What I learned in basic math was suffient to see me through all my bookkeeping and payroll jobs, so became my basis for truth, unknowingly, as I always knew how to balance the books and find errors if out.

My compiter guruness is wearing off a bit as I have reached the point of not needing to learn some things that can be done, but I can teach basic computer, and still do, to anyone interested.

and CB, What if the way we view "reality" is based on our own "base system"

Now if that isn't food for thought as well!! How can we work Math/Science into those who canNOT understand NPD?

Ooooooooooooooooo, I'm glad I posted this

Love and thanks all
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Re: Truth....that's it ... just truth! Who agrees?
« Reply #17 on: November 24, 2008, 11:08:40 PM »

Anyone interested, there is this word, and the Wiki link has oodles of things to chew over and dig at to your heart's content.

D and I are having quite the exchange.

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Re: Truth....that's it ... just truth! Who agrees?
« Reply #18 on: November 25, 2008, 12:58:59 PM »
I'm so glad, Izzy.

You've healed so much between you..... what a journey.


finding peace

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Re: Truth....that's it ... just truth! Who agrees?
« Reply #19 on: November 25, 2008, 06:39:54 PM »
Hi Iz and CB,

I am glad you enjoyed that post.  My H and I had a lot of fun discussing your topic Iz.

I never heard of the different base systems until my H.  Basic math got me through as well.  In fact, I am a sort of a data analyst/writer now.  I analyze 1000s of pages of data and statistical output and am required to summarize the trends across all that data in a report.  Been doing this now for ~20 years, and basic math was all I needed (with a little stats thrown in – but basic stats – no use of different base systems – thank goodness).

I agree CB – I think the different math base systems are analogous to different communication styles.  And in thinking of it in these terms, it takes the heat out of it a bit?

Sometimes I think we all have our own base language systems – some are closer to others.  I think the mark of a good relationship is how much each is willing to take the time to understand the other’s system as best as you can – and to recognize, sometimes, the base systems won’t always meet or be recognized and that is ok too; not always easy in the short run – but ok.

If I take it a step further, the Ns/Ps also have their own base system; however, they expect everyone around them to conform to their base system, never explain it, and ignore the basic truths of math to constantly mutate their base system to suit their own agenda at any given time (ie., one day their math base is equivalent to 1+1=5 and another it is 1+2= 5 – and you better know this ahead of time, and not argue!).  Did that sound bitter?  Wasn’t intended to – I have just been very well versed in how difficult it is to maintain my own base system and understand an N’s base system (if possible) at the same time.

…it assumes that the strength of the relationship is not built on understanding each other, but on accepting each other.

This really jumped out at me .... it makes a lot of sense.  And ultimately, I would rather have a relationship built on acceptance first … with a foundation of acceptance ……  the willingness to understand comes more fluidly I think.

A few months ago, I think I shared here something that I had read about understanding.  That an author I was reading said that no one ever really understands us.  Not really.  If we insist on that, we will hit constant dead ends in our relationships.  What that is really saying is that no one really sees our perception of truth.  What that means to me is NOT that I give up on the existence of truth, but rather on the experience of knowing it.

I believe this.  I would say that I have to give up on completely knowing someone else’s truth but will continue to search for mine. I may have enough glimmers to understand someone else's truth on some levels, but I will never truly understand where they are coming from.  I think the flip side of that is vital too - the expectation that others understand my truth (if I expect this, I am certainly bound for disappointment) …

I wonder if our deep grief and disappointment about that is the reason so many of us on this board either avoid or struggle with close relationships?

For me, I think I gave up a long time ago on being completely understood or attempting to understand someone else completely, so I am not sure that I grieve this, although it would be nice to have this depth of knowing with someone else wouldn't it?

My H and I certainly don't have this.  Although where we are today in understanding each other is so much further than where we were a year into our relationship.

These days, my struggle/avoidance with relationships in 3D stems from not trusting my own base system.  In my childhood I was constantly told that my base system was wrong.  Then in my late teens/early 20s, I was in bad relationship – there were red flags and warning signs, but I ignored them (or had been trained to ignore them), and after he got violent, it was the final straw - I lost trust in myself.  I spent 10 years alone (no dating), going to therapy, and sorting through a lot before I risked dating my H.  It took a long time for me to learn to trust my base system – and I still don’t trust it completely –  remnants from my FOO. 

As always CB and Iz – you have me thinking.  Thank you.

Love you guys,

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finding peace

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Re: Truth....that's it ... just truth! Who agrees?
« Reply #20 on: November 26, 2008, 09:29:27 PM »
Oh Iz,

I am sorry, I missed where you said you were having some great interactions with your daughter.

I am so happy for you.

I remember when I first came here how it was hard for you to hear of my estrangement with my mother.  You were estranged from your daughter, and I was talking about how I left my mother.

I am so happy you are reconciled with your daughter.  I often wish my mother was as open-minded and willing to have a real discussion as you are.  But, it isn’t in her.

In the 2 years I’ve been here – I’ve learned a lot from you and others – my life has been enriched in so many ways …. I am so grateful that you and others have posted here.

Take care Iz,

[I am sorry if I am not making sense here – haven’t been able to think clearly today.  My pet died last night and I am a mess.  :cry: I’ve had her for 15 years, and in many ways she was the only anchor I had through some very tough times.]
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Re: Truth....that's it ... just truth! Who agrees?
« Reply #21 on: November 26, 2008, 10:55:00 PM »
Dear Peace...

I can't understand math but I sure understand grieving over a beloved animal friend.

I'm so very sorry. What a hard loss.

love and comfort to you, and to her as she goes free now...

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Re: Truth....that's it ... just truth! Who agrees?
« Reply #22 on: November 26, 2008, 11:56:23 PM »

I'm sorry to hear about you pet.  I lost my dog 3 weeks ago and she was great comfort also. As a matter of fact her parents were Therapy Dogs.   My mom's final gift to our family and arrived the day after my mother was buried.  She was almost 14 years old and grew up with my kids.  She spent time in the play pen with my younger son..

I know it's hard.  I took it really bad.  I miss her terrible.

I'm sorry peace.


finding peace

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Re: Truth....that's it ... just truth! Who agrees?
« Reply #23 on: November 27, 2008, 11:18:03 AM »
Thank you for your compassion Hopsy and Deb.

((((Deb I am so sorry for your loss  ……. it is so very hard))))

Sorry for the hijack Iz.


« Last Edit: November 27, 2008, 12:08:52 PM by finding peace »
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Re: Truth....that's it ... just truth! Who agrees?
« Reply #24 on: December 01, 2008, 07:34:51 PM »
hi FP

Not to worry about the hijack, bur check out my next post about TRUTH!

...and I havent a qualm in the world about sending it.

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"