I certainly believe we are led to believe, or 'make up" to believe many things that are not so.
For the most part, I remember a very nice young man who was "good-looking, intelligent, attending University, wore a suit for dates" and he liked me well enough to ask me on a date. (I always dressed well anyway!)
I was, however, rather plain, but had developed whatever this sense of humour of mine can be called--it is there whether I am depressed, bitched off, walking, rolling, whatever...........I still have the 'originals' rolling off my tongue. He liked me, but I had already finished high school, & was working in an office, and felt SO far beneath him on the intelligence scale, that I dumped him.
I recall things like this, but not necessarily the feelings attached, per se. I guessed! I would expect in this case, I would have thought I would never be a 'University material girl-friend' that could live up to him, and many times I would date a 'bar bouncer' for months until I was bored and wanted someone more intelligent.
I was always at odds with myself.
don't know if this made sense, but it's what came to mind.