Author Topic: Kicked to the curb....  (Read 1351 times)


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Kicked to the curb....
« on: September 15, 2004, 12:30:36 AM »
Hi all,

I havent been on for a while cause I needed some time to get away from this madness.  As I was reading about NPD I felt as if I was getting into the Ndad's head.  So I had to take a break from it all.  Does it make anyone else sick to even refer to their N as a father or dad?  It seems to discust me quite a bit.  I wont even say his name anymore in a conversation.  I just refer to him as "it"  Well thats all he deserves.

My parents are in a heated divorce and he has started drinking again.  Growing up he drank and was a nightmare.  I hated him with a passion.  Still do.  He has become impossible and I wont have anything to do with him.  He has hurt my mother so much that none of his kids wants anything to do with him.  I can tell you one thing, that after the divorce he will never see any of his kids again.  So he is kicked to the curb.  In a way I really feel sorry for him, because when he is old and gray and in a hospital somewhere no one is going to go see him or talk to him.  What a sad life.  But of course it will never be because of his actions, he will blame it on us.  We are of course "ungreatful kids".  Oh well  Such as life.



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Kicked to the curb....
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2004, 01:18:56 AM »


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Kicked to the curb....
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2004, 03:08:22 PM »
I thought I was the only person on earth who disrespected my Nparents so much that I will not call them by mom or mother or dad anymore. I started this 3 years ago. Nmom is 'your mom' when talking with siblings, 'mamaw' when talking to my kids and 'that b****' when talking to H. Ndad is same reference.

On the phone with them, I call them by their first name now - that really inflames them but since they have less respect for me that I do them - who really cares.

I started this by not capitalizing mom or dad first, then it led to no name.

And what's with so many 'mamaw's' being Ns? Is it cutural for the part of the country they are from? H's mom is from NE states and goes by 'Nana'. I don't think I've seen a 'Nana' on this board as an N.

Discounted Girl

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Kicked to the curb....
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2004, 04:44:14 PM »
haha -- I thought I was the only one to use lower case when I say mom or mother (meaning mine) -- I capitalize the Queen though -- got to honor royalty you know. I still capitalize my Dad however -- just don't want to lower him even though he did not stop her; still don't want to lower him -- he was a special type man and I honor his memory. I realize now he was not so much the wonderful parent that I thought he was, but he was light years ahead of her.