Hopsy,"minds of their own " is SO right! I was always a scarf person and knew but one way, and always adjusting.
I did this picture without looking into a mirror as I had just done my makeup and hair but no slacks yet, was not ready to go out, then my batteries went dead--- yes, I can deaden battereis

We never stop learning, eh
lighter, too?

I learned from going to the Health Clinic re my foot that the large overhang under which 20 cars can park, is basically for The Health Clinc, drop-offs, 5 minute parking, or dsiabled parking. I decided, upon learning that Sat and Sun are very slow there, that I would park there, enter the mall that way and continue to the Grocery store, shop, come back, load the car, drive home to my underground and never have to deal with snow (except the car can do that). I've done it twice now.

As well, I needed new Library books and was taking the car anyway, so drove there first. Oh my. All the snow on the 2 ramps, driving and walking, and in the parking spot I use if I take the car, so I drove up to the parking across from the library, door was open, went in, parked and as I was checking out learned there has been FREE parking on Saturdays for the Library. Another great find!

after 10 years here, but only 5 re Library.
I usually go in my chair and tackle the ramps, but with this snow I needed an alternate solution--Voilą---- which will suit rainy days etc. as long as I choose a Saturday!
(Somehow I developed an aversion to going through gates, and driving close to a machine to pull out a time ticket.)