My mother is an N, both my siblings exibit N behavior and have always been enablers of my mother. My mother had three main 'suppliers' (those who she belittles, berates, blames etc.):
Me, 75%
My father, 15%
Her sister (my aunt) 10%.
She has been a liar all her life (according to those who have known her long before I was born, certainly she has been a brazen liar since I have known her).
My question is what does an N do when her suppliers run dry? Both my aunt and father are dead and I don't have any contact with my mother (after my father died, I became 90% of her supply, she would confabulate outrageous stories that weren't vaguely believable and my siblings would encourage this behavior).
Many of her friends are now ex-friends (apparently she started playing her games with them, again, encouraged by my siblings. The one friend I know who still has contact with her has limitted her contact).
I've always felt she behaved the way she does because of a need to do so. She feels better about herself when she belittles others, or is a 'victem'. But now, her social contact is extemely limitted to a handful of people, most of whom have encouraged her behavior (she rewards my brother and sister financially when they validate her behavior and they have always exploited that).
I knew 25 years ago that I would be disinhereted once my father died (and, I was). Her (actually their) behavior is quite predictable.
Again, I feel they behave because of some sick need to do so, but, what happens when their primary suppliers are gone??