Author Topic: Question  (Read 1898 times)


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« on: September 15, 2004, 10:51:51 AM »
My mother is an N, both my siblings exibit N behavior and have always been enablers of my mother. My mother had three main 'suppliers' (those who she belittles, berates, blames etc.):
Me, 75%
My father, 15%
Her sister (my aunt) 10%.

She has been a liar all her life (according to those who have known her long before I was born, certainly she has been a brazen liar since I have known her).

My question is what does an N do when her suppliers run dry? Both my aunt and father are dead and I don't have any contact with my mother (after my father died, I became 90% of her supply, she would confabulate outrageous stories that weren't vaguely believable and my siblings would encourage this behavior).

Many of her friends are now ex-friends (apparently she started playing her games with them, again, encouraged by my siblings. The one friend I know who still has contact with her has limitted her contact).

I've always felt she behaved the way she does because of a need to do so. She feels better about herself when she belittles others, or is a 'victem'. But now, her social contact is extemely limitted to a handful of people, most of whom have encouraged her behavior (she rewards my brother and sister financially when they validate her behavior and they have always exploited that).

I knew 25 years ago that I would be disinhereted once my father died (and, I was). Her (actually their) behavior is quite predictable.

Again, I feel they behave because of some sick need to do so, but, what happens when their primary suppliers are gone??

Discounted Girl

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« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2004, 11:07:23 AM »
I think that they find little drinks and scraps of food here and there, perhaps their twisted minds are able to imagine they are feeding and that's really all they need. I personally don't think they ever run out of food, unless they are down to zero contact with others (that includes not having a dog, cat or goldfish). Even then I would suspect they imagine a relationship with a tv character or someone in a book. These people are lunatics. And, if they truly have noone, no thing to chew on, then I think they just shrivel up and die, much like a rat will do if imprisoned without food.


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Could be...
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2004, 11:20:40 AM »
She definately confabulates stories related to things she has read or seen on TV. She envies victems and makes elaborate stories that sometimes take months to play out so that she looks as if she is the exact same victem. All the while, berating the author or the TV series.


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Re: Question
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2004, 11:58:05 AM »
They usually find new suppliers.



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« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2004, 01:07:03 PM »

Your mother sounds a lot like my mother.  My sociopth nmother is asocial, so she doesn't feel the need to leave her house and interact with the World or the people in it.  She gets her groceries ordered and purchased by men in other towns whom she meets on the internet.  She is quite content to just sit in her bachelore suite with her lap dog and "intellectualize" her life away.  She shares a tiny mattress on her livingroom floor with my 18 yr old brother (can we say dysfunction??)..  She used to beat the shit out of me until I charged her with assualt at the age of 16, and she could potentially go to jail.  That's when the 16 yrs of physical abuse stopped, but never the emotional/psyhological abuse - that's here forever!  That's why I decided to remove the sociopath from my life.

Your mother will find other forms of NS.  Even if it's just a dog.

Watching my nmother and her lapdog interact is quite a sight to see.  That dog is the reincarnation of my mother (if you can believe that!)  And my mother feeds off that.


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Re: Question
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2004, 01:22:24 PM »
Hi Mattiedread,

My Nmother is 79 and has become quite reclusive. She still imagines the world  is her audience and has difficulty even going across the street to the mailbox. Going to the grocery store requires 3 days of preparation, both physical and mental. It must be exhausting.

I feel sad for her, but can't help much since she senses that I'm on to her and doesn't trust me anymore.

For companionship she favors the television and the sweets that she picks up when she does manage to get to the store. Like your mother, television is her new reality, and preferable since it can be controlled.  I try to stock her freezer with "real" food about once a month, if she'll let me in the house which is becoming more and more infrequent.



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« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2004, 03:23:23 PM »
Ahaa, Ns and pets. I've just got to share this story.

6 years ago Nparents had my lil sis take care of their beloved little doggie over night - can't fathom to this day why, but they did. Nmom was inseperable from this dog.

My sis always takes her dog with her everywhere and did not use a leash this particular day. She had a paper route and it had snowed quite a bit so she was walking with the dogs to throw papers on porches. Nmom's lil dod got spooked and ran out in the street - right in front of a sliding car. You can imagine the horror... :cry:

So Nmom - who blames us for EVERYTHING has repeated the story for 6 years to whomever will listen that my sis killed her dog. She says it like it was completely on purpose. Can we say 'forgive' here? And yet Nmom tells us in cards every year how 'she forgives us for all the pain we have caused her'.

To make a long story short, that doggie's name was Trixie.

Nmom got another dog 2 years ago - but for the first time allowed herself a male dog - she hates anything male except her husband and that's who she sould HATE! When I asked her what she named the new dog she said 'Mixie'. Now I'm no specialist on pet names but Mixie doesn't even sound like a male pet name and it's as close to Trixie as you can get. But she tells this dog that he's not as good as Trixie. So it's true, Ns have the same behavior to pets as to us I guess.

As far as using up all their supply, Ndad has said many times that he would rather die than put up with us around him. I know that is a call for attention, but I would predict that if his N supply dried up, he would kill himself. He wouldn't do it in the traditional methods, he is diabetic and has said he will stop treating it if everyone doesn't obey him. Boo Hoo

Nmom will never run out of supply - she's an avid church going, fundamentalist bible belt holy roller believing idiot and can get more than enough supply each week by teaching her little kiddos in sunday school, or preaching at her neighbors.