This kind of reactions is what makes the teaching profession very ungrateful profession and very sad life for many teachers. Just this past Christmas, one teacher commites suicide in my area because of the situation of teachers.
There are bad teachers but like in everything, mosy of the teachers are good.
To say that a teacher is abusing a child is such a serious accuzation, such a threatening accuzation, that can destroy the life of a person forever.
If the same parent is saying:
Thanks Hops. Encouragement goes a long way to boost my morale.
Part of my struggle with competence has been dealing with my dear son who is adorable and loving but also who can be explosive and highly reactive. He has been in a pressure cooker this academic year (2nd grade!!!) with a teacher who picked him out from the start and who has been abusive to him. That has certainly not helped. But his behavior is wild and crazy anyway. He has ADHD but he also suffers with anxiety. His anxiety would not be obvious to anyone untrained. He doesn't seem "nervous" but what happens is that he becomes angry when he is anxious, angry and overly emotional and even at times irrational. At times dealing with him is exhausting and I find myself bracing for an unpleasant encounter. I have written about this in terms of his limited and unpredictable food choices. Even now as I face preparing dinner I can barely face making a selection available. Most anything will be shot down.
All in all I finally realize that these everyday experiences have taken a toll on my sense of (non-existent) competence. I am already drained of a normal dose before he even entered this world. So part of my work in building up this area will be to find a way to feel competent in regards to dealing with the draining aspects of raising him. (There are, of course, many wonderful aspects as well.)
Not sur ehow to do this but I know I must and will figure some out.
This is the time of year that I begin to sink a little - post Christmas, cold, dreary and not much light. The demands of life seem to pile up higher than usual. Learning to "observe" my emotions so that I can select the building rather than debilitating ones. Thanks for listening. - GS
If the parent feels exhausted, how does the teacher feel? with other 25 kids and one being irrational?
This is unfair.
With all the respect for your pain GS, I beg you not to blame the teacher.
I am also very disconnected person. But me job is muchmore difficult when I have parents that blame me and accuse me for things beyond my control.
I am very sorry that you are suffering so much. Perhaps, reading or listening to Eckhart Tolle might help you a little. It is helping me."The power of now"
When you resist waht is, when you fight what God has sent you, instead of surrender to the reality, it causes great unhappyness and anxiety. I have the suspition that your son has anxiety because of you and not the way around. Please, check that possibility. If you get better, he will get better. The rain comes from up to down, not viceverse. It is you who is probably causing anxiety in the child. Please, explore that possibility with a professional therapist.
I will keep you in my prayers.
With love and respect, Lupita
God bless you!