Here is some stuff from a link a person sent me yesterday that I wanted to share with you PR. Even though it is in a form to use with EFT I thought that perhaps there were some things in this list that might appeal to you as affirmations. There is some good brain stuff in here. While the author puts it in the frame of LOA, I chose to overlook that aspect and focus on the brain function perspective. Laurel Cozzuli
In a nutshell, the person that has the most difficulty putting the Law of Attraction (LOA) into action is the one that 1) has a hyperactive amygdula, the human brain’s emotional “storehouse,” 2) has a low functioning prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for helping a person take action in accordance with goals, 3) has impaired functioning in the anterior cingulate, which is responsible for processing information between the right and left brain hemispheres, and 4) has an overactive nucleus accumbens, which is responsible for a human’s experience of extreme pleasure. An overactive nucleus accumbens is often seen in addictive behaviors.
Your Anterior CingulateTo normalize activity in your anterior cingulate, we will focus attention on your brain’s tendency towards pattern recognition.
Tap the karate chop point and then apply rounds of EFT for each of the following statements.
Even though my anterior cingulate refuses to process my past emotional trauma, I choose to trust and love myself anyways.
Even though I’m subconsciously scared that danger might return…
Even though, my anterior cingulate is going crazy with pattern recognition, I now allow my brain to evolve to today’s world
Even though, my anterior cingulate is keeping my right and left brain hemispheres from communicating…
Even though, my impulses to stay “stuck” are really strong, I choose to release this old-brain pattern.
Even though I have created a lot of chaos from living a life this way, I lovingly release my need for instant gratification.
Now, tap in a few positive rounds focused on your anterior cingulate:
EB: My anterior cingulate is functioning optimally for today’s world
SE: I trust that all danger has past.
UE: I allow optimal activity in my anterior cingulate.
UN: I now awaken the neurons in my anterior cingulate.
CH: The right and left hemispheres of my brain are in perfect communication.
CB: I now see future rewards as more appealing than instant gratification.
UA: I love letting my prefrontal cortex take over to focus on future goals
TH: My anterior cingulate is functioning optimally for today’s world
Your Nucleus AccumbensWe can use similar techniques for the anterior cingulate to optimize your nucleus accumbens. Remember that the nucleus accumbens plays a significant role in rewards and pleasure. It is the area of the brain that can make overcoming addictions so challenging. People can be addicted not only to substances, but to video games, surfing the internet, sex, chocolate, or even shopping. If a person allows this pleasure center to direct his or her life, there is positively no chance of creating a bright and glorious future. We can use the following EFT guide to quell a crazy nucleus accumbens, which, of course, will play a part of creating optimum brain function. And then we can truly enjoy those moments of chocolate, sex, shopping, etc … for the joy it brings, and not from a desperate, ineffective survival response.
Tap the karate chop point and then apply rounds of EFT for each of the following statements.
Even though my nucleus accumbens refuses to give up ______ (your addiction or compulsion…
Even though, life will be boring without having this constant pleasure…
Even though, I am stuck in “here and now survival” by way of my nucleus accumbens, I now choose to create a productive future.
Even though my nucleus accumbens is not going to be happy about lowering its neuro-firing…
Even though I’m a slave to the experiences of pleasure generated by my nucleus accumbens…
Even though, my nucleus accumbens is stuck in survival mode, I now release this pattern and evolve into today’s world.
Even though, I desperately need my “fix,” I choose to enjoy life without this enslavement.
Even though, I fear deprivation…
Now, tap in these following positive statements:
EB: My nucleus accumbens is relaxing.
SE: I appreciate my nucleus accumbens sweetening my life with pleasure.
UE: I easily derive pleasure from looking at my bright future.
UN: I contentedly delay gratification in favor of my future goals.
CH: I am satisfied and relaxed at my core.
CB: I allow my nucleus accumbens to evolve into today’s world.
UA: My nucleus accumbens is my friend.
TH: We work together to create a happy life.