I can certainly say my dad had prejudices: he needed to be unique about them, though. Gay folks, people of colour, the disabled are all the downtrodden, to my dad. However, you are evil if:
->you work in any way for the government, organized Christian religions, or major corporations.
->you are doubly evil if you work for a pharmaceutical company or the police.
Now, granted, there are a lot of people who have problems with the "system" as it works; but most people have a grey area. The pharmacist or the doctor, the policeperson, or the receptionist for a "major corporation" may be trying to do the best they can. For my dad, though, they MUST be evil.
Yet, I have heard my "ultra-liberal" father curse entire classes of his "downtrodden" people: lesbians (when a woman turned him down), and black folks (when his car was broken into...)