I'm new to this post and also very new to understanding narcissism...I'm 19, live with my father...the narcissist, and obviously I'm sure you all know is hell! I found out today from my therapist that he's narcissistic. I have read some posts and all the posts I've read have been about making the Narcissist happy just to make it easy, I however have always confronted my dad about EVERYTHING, things are always insane here because of that. Should I just pretend he's right and play along? I just hate being manipulated, which he does ALL the time! ANY ADVICE WOULD BE SO VERY APPRECIATED! Here's the clincher...my father is a psychologist, yes a psychologist, I have no idea how but he is, the board has tried to take his license away several times, but he argues his way out or something. Thank you soooooo much!