Author Topic: RE damaged 'chair....Place your bets.  (Read 971 times)


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RE damaged 'chair....Place your bets.
« on: April 12, 2009, 01:21:31 AM »
When Mary Jo was here today, it was the best opportunity to talk about my thinking my chair has had plastic surgery and has a new owner. I was in this old heap but I could points out the parts and whatever or draw on paper what I had seen.

Just before that I had called 4-West, where I was recuperating, and they knew me and I asked about my incision and the staples, as one place is redder and more tender. She would pass it on to the right person and have them get back to me.

(Pre-info) Michelle was one of a pair that I'd met at the hospital in 4-West. She and Shona were "my pair". They had spoken with me about after care, but they (Michelle) had done this on May 30-31. She said I was Groggy. GROGGY? I remember nothing and they were planning on sending me home because I said (apparently) I wanted to go. (THAT would have been an horrendous error.)

About dinner time, Michelle called and we talked about the incision, BUT...... she said "Good News, maybe. We think your  chair has been found. It was apparently sent somewhere for repairs." (That means ICBC can move forward faster)

SO..Here is the deal. It's mine and I have already sat in and used the one I think is mine. If they are one and the same, then Mary Jo passed on the Word to Michelle. If it is mine and doesn't look like the one I used, then the Drugs were really at work and I hallucinated about that and the "something illegal in Denmark"!

I hope whatever way we would bet, that K.G. Hospital did not try to pull a fast one.

Then we have to say how hallucinogenic I was.

I'm taking Tylenol 3, but am not as mixed up as I was at the hospital.

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: RE damaged 'chair....Place your bets.
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2009, 03:12:40 AM »
Hi Izzy Deer-

Hope you got some recuperative rest time in your fresh sheets. Here are more of my nosy questions/concerns about your condition ( please feel free to ignore me if this annoys you)- Are you taking antibiotics ( for the red/tender area with incision and staples)? Is the temperature elevated in that area? Is there a docto that you can call directly regarding this?

GROGGY- I am not certain, but this must come from GROG and what it does to a person when they drink it...ties in loosely with your comment about beer on your posts-oh well...

I'm glad that you are no longer mixed up- perhaps the major surgical drugs and the confusion of being away from home, etc. put you over the edge, or perhaps it was your roommates?!? It's good that you can take the Tylenol 3's, so that you can tamp the pain down and heal, with no more pschydelic trips!!!!

As to the wheelchair, perhaps someone could take a photo ( using a camera phone, etc) and send it to you via email ... I'll usually put my wager on Hamlet every time, but on this one, I'd give it a 20-80 spread between infernal plot and lack of communication/mixups.

Hope you are comfortable, not bored, and mending.




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Re: RE damaged 'chair....Place your bets.
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2009, 10:26:06 AM »

I have no idea whats up with your chair but....

I hope you get if figured out.

It's always someything, and in some cases, everything.

Hugs to you, sounds like you're thinking pretty clearly to me.