If N's are indeed evil
what can we do about them?
The N's run the country. They position themselves so they can dominate non N's.education awareness that's important,but once you openly try to educate people about manipulation,bullies ect.MN's come out of the woodwork and manipulate..to make sure they get enabled and people bystand.
A bully cannot survive without a culture propping him up and tolerating the abuses.
Everytime someone or some people get an idea that tries to change the culture, be it in a small group changing a society(like Ghandi, MLK and Malcom X for example) Or someone who isn't a figurehead(member of a school board)the bullies in the population pull some kind of game and it sets everyone back into confusion and the bully remains off the hook.
Wouldn't humanity be better off if N's were just eliminated from the population? ( just a fantasy)
I dunno what to do about N's..Yes you can leave ,yes you can say no,fight back,tell the truth,expose them.. but there is always another one,another bully you got to contend with as you go through life.They are so common.
Sometimes I think the world is so abnusive it's turning into N's.
Sometimes I wish there was a real way to stop them from making more N's,and victims of N's. Sometimes I wish I could invent and dump somerthing in the water that would cease that whole conduct disorder,narcissist,abuser,sociopathic bully,con man,liar,control freak,sadistic,domineering,too ambitious,winner type, aggressively competitive,manipulator,constellation of symptoms in people..
I wish I could erase totally from human beings whatever it is that makes N's be N's from existing.
I wish there was a way to end the N's.I mean isn't the whole criminal justice system overwhemed with issues with N's and the conduct disordered and the victims of them and the fallout from relationships with N's?
Aren't N's or defending yourselff from N's the cause of war?
Aren't N's or struggling against N's the cause of most corruption?
I wish all then N's,abusers and sociopaths on this Earth would kill themselves and leave all the non-N's alone..
There will be no peace on Earth until the N's stop getting away with abusing non-N's and playing thier 'winner/loser master/slave mindgames with everyone.
The saddest thing is N's appear like anyone else until you see behind the mask,there are no easy quick ways to point out N's.I'ts an experince,something not easy to condense intoi soundbites.If 1 in 4 people are N's than 1 in 4 will dissagree with your assesment of character of an N, and nothing will be done to stop N's because of opposition..The laws have been crafted by N's for N's.
Why do N's exist what purpose do the serve,what good do they do?
Just some thoughts.