I can relate to you Ami. I remember talking to my dad about what my mom would do to me when he left the house. I told him over and over again until I was left sobbing because he wasn't sure that I was telling him the truth, of course she painted a much different picture. I remember yelling out of the window for someone to come and help me after he left for work one day and she had beaten me while I was in the shower because I didn't put my clothes in the hamper before I got in! The neighbor must have talked to him about it because he came to me and asked what had happened.
That night after I told him what and why she did what she did and that I was going to talk to people at our church to find somewhere else to live. I heard him talking to her in the bed room next to mine. He was mad...never heard him mad before. It sounded like my NM had the devil inside of her, her voice was low and loud and very mean, I could hear him telling her to stop and I knew that she was hitting him! This seemed to go on for a long time. He was trying to ask her direct questions and she was ranting about her childhood. After that he just ignored me for the most part. I felt like I didn't have a chance at an easy survival from then on out. He did make it very clear to me that we could not talk about this and that, "You know how she is." That is what he would say to me every time I tried to talk to him about anything that she did to me again. He would try to take me with him when he would go somewhere other than work to keep me safe I think. Then she became jealous of the attention that I was getting.
So, I can see them both too. I always said that my dad didn't have a backbone and took the easy way out and both of them did not really associate with our neighbors. But they always would say, "What would the neighbors think?"
God I hated that!!!!
I am trying to find my specialness too. My healthy friends are a good model for me. I have finally given up trying to please N's!!! I wish that I had known that I didn't need to a long time ago but I was so scared that no one would believe me. I remember a time when I didn't believe myself, what a screwed up positions to be stuck in!!
Best wishes for your travels into a healthy place...you will find it!!
Where there's a will...there's a way!!