Thank you everyone. I had a big revelation while reading your posts. I think one thing about my MIL is she gives so much... to everyone and all the time. I wonder if she is feeling a bit of the weight of that. Unfortunately, aside from us, everyone is willing to take and take and never give anything back to her. She is a few states away, and I am sure that aside from my brother in law and his wife, there is no one to help her through this.
Hops, you do always have the words that help and make things right. I knew that you would be able to relate and help me see this clearly.
Deb, I think this
my GFter asked for forgiveness (the set off) that drove her to the edge and then he was gone. She seemed more tortured by him confessing at death again for his own purposes right before he would have judgement day and was mad that he put her in that position of forgive or not forgive
is the worst of all - they do fear death and ask for forgiveness, although they don't deserve it. It is so unfair to the abused child. A lifetime of cruelty is not erased by a few words and a death. It is cowardly. I think I am angry about this for her...
Amber, happily we talk a lot and she is coming to visit soon. I will whisk her away and make her do some fun stuff... all about her. It will be nice to get her away from the family that bleeds her dry.
Ami, yes, I am so lucky to have her. Also, I think the reality has hit home for her. She also lost a sister shortly after - also a mean and selfish woman, but that doubled the pain for her.
Mo2, She has a new house and a great job. She is an amazing seamstress who can creat a dress from any page of any catalog - just like the original!! I don't know if she finds passion in the work, but I think some satisfaction. I think time will help, and I think it will help a lot when my husband is safely back home. I think she worries about him, too, especially when he cannot have as much contact.
Everyone, thank you again.
Love, Beth