Author Topic: Voiceless AGAIN?!  (Read 11280 times)


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Voiceless AGAIN?!
« on: May 30, 2009, 06:47:06 PM »
Don't know why I popped back in today - haven't been around for ages.  And then suddenly realised...I should have come back ages ago.  I've been struggling - really struggling - with my mother's care home.  It's complete madness.  It's probably not worth recounting all that has happened. Suffice to, it's all far too complicated.  What I'm going to do is just 'make my mark' and come back another day to try to write more.

My very first post was back in the very first days of this board.  I was struggling then but I'm sinking today.  I'm getting older and less resilient.  I've had cancer and a marriage break up - had to leave my young teenage son behind and then found myself embroiled in social services and thrown back into dealing with my elderly 'narcissistic' mother.

A major discovery was that my family all have some form of autism and that's where all the 'narcissistic' behaviour comes from.   It doesn't change the pain - but it offers a different perspective and ways of handling their pain, anxiety, confusion and rage which actually makes life a little less confusing and unpredictable and 'personal'.

I know I have greater self-esteem but it seems that once you have cracked or broken, it leaves you vulnerable.

The problems started when my mother's care home was closed down.  I had never been involved in her care before but social services changed the goalposts (without ever really explaining how and why to me) and I was charged with finding a new one and helping her settle in.  I only lived a four hour drive away and still recovering from cancer!!!  But being a responsible kind of person, I didn't give it too much thought.  Oh so WRONG!

The care home I chose, on the unofficial recommendation of the social worker, was supposed to be excellent - but not when it comes to understanding autism.  It is only now that I have started to discover just exactly what was being said about my mother and myself for the first few months and the conclusions which were being drawn.

I can't write more than that about it right now.

I think I feel terrible shame - things that have happened have triggered a lot of old 'wounds' - and the irony is that I moved half way across the country to see a specialist therapist and should have had support throughout all this - but she too got breast cancer soon after I arrived and disappeared out of my life without offering me a referral.  The one positive thing I can say is that I haven't once thought that it was my fault that she got ill!!  That's a big step forward for me!

A Mental Health Assessor asked me to write a 'care plan' for the care home to support my mother.  I think they were looking for excuses not to have to engage with it.  I inadvertently gave them exactly what they were looking for with an email which didn't go down well (yet I shouldn't feel so badly as it resulted from their refusal to communicate or cooperate with me and I was cracking up under the strain).

I have been entirely open and honest with everyone about my relationship with my mother and my feelings and difficulties - too honest, too open, perhaps - been showing too much of my vulnerable underbelly which I'm told is not a good idea.

One person said that some of the problems I've had is because I see more deeply than most; and yet...I don't think that's a reason for the way I've been attacked : the care home feel threatened - their status quo, their beliefs.  They don't want to change.  The irony is that my son's school reacted in exactly the same way.

I refuse to blame myself.  I'm 'just' a parent/adult daughter - but somehow, I know too much! Kill the messenger! Close ranks! Pull up the drawbridge! Oblivious to who gets damaged - rather in the way I react to spiders!  My fear is too great to let them anywhere near me - shoot first, ask questions later!!

And I - I find myself voiceless yet again, caught in multitudinous double binds, half truths, manipulations - some of which are no doubt caused by my own fears and feelings. I don't know where to turn, who to trust, who will be on my side and who may pull the trigger and finish me off completely!!

For weeks, my mind has been racing.  I haven't spoken to my mother since everything reached a total crisis - when staff were told not to speak to me!!!!  Then social service colluded with the care home and they decided to 'get rid of me'.  How can that possibly happen?  I colluded myself for about three hours and then realised what I'd done - I'd chopped off my relationship with my mother to serve other people's egos and ignorance!!!  That night I grappled with feelings of self-harm.  I loathed myself with such passion!  And even then the care home wasn't going to let things go.  I was told that my mother was now much happier without me around (hah! They didn't make the point they'd put her on a medication guaranteed to make her comfortable and confident!)  And then a letter came like a bolt out of the blue which was my final straw.  It was unecessary.  It threatened me.  I broke. 

I wouldn't mind but I never wanted to be involved in the first place.  My involvement had been demanded by social services - and then the Mental Health Assessor decided to use me as a cheap consultant (I said no again and again - I don't know why nobody listened!). The care home would attack me if I asked questions and didn't let them get away with avoiding answering them (attack is another way of throwing people off the scent), they refused every opportunity to define my mother's needs - and I'm the one who has become....dare I say it...the scapegoat for everyone.  Really cheap of them to do that - the one person who has no support of any kind, doesn't live near enough to keep turning up for meetings and hampered by cancer!

Those are the bare bones...all the ins and outs make it far more complicated than that but perhaps that's part of my problem : too involved in the detail and struggling to get an overview so i can communicate what has happened...but, to whom?  I have a solicitor in the wings, and someone who can diagnose my mother - but (sorry for this!) what about me?!  I'm the one who is damaged and belittled and shamed.  I want someone to help ME!!!  I want someone to help ME feel better, validate me, help me get my strength back and my mind centred and make sure all this stress doesn't bring back the cancer.  It was massive stress related to my mother and son that speeded my illness on in the first place.

My relationship with my mother has also been damaged.  But do i care?  Probably not that much - it's a relief not to have to listen to her any more or to be involved - my only fear is how much she'll make me suffer if I ever go back in, remembering how much she made me suffer when my father died and I took a long weekend off from supporting her!!  Her rages and resentments last for years!  She and my husband resolve their feelings through passive-aggressive behaviour - it's the way the care home staff resolve things, too.  I realise i can't cope with it - don't know how to deal with it.  It's insidious and invisible.

Some people were really truly dreadful to me earlier in the year (told me to hurry up and die when they discovered about the cancer!) and I was astonished how vile people could be and not care about it!!  But I have realised they are a breath of fresh air.  Out and out hostility - plain and in yer face!!  LOL  What a relief.

My own anger probably isn't as healthy as it could be!

The support I do have is someone who practises Reiki and a reflexologist - they are both gifted healers and I feel so grateful they are in my life.

And my son, of course.  Aspie tho he may be, he's a wonderful human being and I love him to bits.  But I have to hurry up and get my act together as he will be coming to live with me over the course of next year as we prepare him for college and a new life.  I need to be strong enough to support him and make all the connections necessary for his well-being.

I've written far more than I thought I could.  (Now I've previewed it, I see it was probably more than I should have!!).  But it's nearly midnight now on this side of the pond and I've promised myself I'll get to bed before the 2am and 3am vigils I've been experiencing lately.

Did anyone see Britain's Got Talent??!  I gather there's been interest on every side of the pond!!

Farewell for now.
"No matter how enmeshed a commander becomes in the elaboration of his own
thoughts, it is sometimes necessary to take the enemy into account" Sir Winston Churchill


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Re: Voiceless AGAIN?!
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2009, 10:26:11 PM »
hi rose,

Well aren't you in a mess! Family= brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles????? Or are you the specified caregiver here?

Is there anything about your Mother's Will that would keep you around? Otherwise I would just leave her to her friends the nurses and social workers. Does she know who she is?

I'm just 70, disabled 40 years, and 2 months ago was in my chair and hit by a car, broke my left femur. At one point the pain was such that I thought it couldn't get worse or better and I had visions of a nursing home. I have already told my only daughter that the best gift I can give her is to say to her now, that she need not feel obliged to look after me in my old age. We live 2000 miles apart and she has a life. She is my POA and beneficiary. I will just admit myself to wherever I belong and after the fact, the PPD cremation, the ashes are sent to daughter.

Life ain't all it's cracked up to be...maybe death isn't either, but then who knows?

For the last 7 years I have kept every N I know on the other side of the fence, as TOXIC to me, and life is quieter with no hassles, except blind drivers.

I don't know how I was put on to Susan Boyle, but I have played her videos time and again and she has made her mark on the world. Diversity hasn't. Susan can still go on and earn millions from her voice and will never be forgotten because of the  impact she made on the world. In the long run, I think it best she didn't win...and I don't know why I say that, expect that I feel she will do all right for herself. Recording, book, movie? and she did have some hissy-fits that were too played up in the media that I just believe about ½, if that....and wonder what precedent would be being set if a hissy-fiitter became a winner. She must have been under terrible pressure.

I'd rather listen to a singer any day
....but not that Holllie kid. They say she is 12, not 10, and when she threw a fit of 'crying' today (on stage yet) there were no tears. She ought go on a soap opera...very few actors can tear up on demand. One more little Narcissist in this world.

Take Care

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Voiceless AGAIN?!
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2009, 10:58:49 PM »

I think you needed to say everything you said....

and then some.

So sorry you've been struggling.


Please remember to take care of yourself.



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Re: Voiceless AGAIN?!
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2009, 11:08:47 PM »

Hi Rosencrantz,

Yes!  Say all you need to. 

Big hugs!



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Re: Voiceless AGAIN?!
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2009, 11:09:24 PM »
Dear (((((Rose)))
  Just wanted to give you a hug. You are trying to be a good person in the midst of so much chaos. My heart goes out to you. You matter, Rose.
 You are valuable just b/c you are "you"
  We lost so much trust in ourselves with N parents, particularly the NM.
  I push myself silly. I try to be better than I should be to people who hurt me.
 Keep writing.
  I want to hear it all.   
    Love ,   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Voiceless AGAIN?!
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2009, 12:28:10 AM »
Rosencrantz my heart goes out to you, as a fellow nursing-home-survivor (as the responsible family member).

My situation with my mother's care was different (the awful stuff was because my sociopath brother intentionally poisoned them against me in his ultimately unsuccessful campaign to take over her life at the end...her assets were his goal).

But I do know how horribly frustrating and painful it is to be doing the best you can to shoulder responsibiity for an institutionalized narcissistic elder whom you CAN'T care for yourself, your own health and sanity strained to the breaking point by the eternal worry and stress.

And the scapegoating. I felt that at times too.

Mom's been dead since the end of March. I am still trying to recover.

All I can say to you is you must STOP.

You can literally give your life to try to smooth the very last, penultimate chapter of an elder, and particularly when that elder takes it for granted...

I think we shouldn't.

I think you should stay away. And focus your therapy in every possible way on RELEASING your mother to her destiny and REBUILDING your health and your own life.

It's the right thing to do. And somewhere, in the deep cells and synapses where your mother does wish you well (and I believe a part of every mother does, even if just biologically) --

She would want you to save yourself.

Her personality and disorder and lifelong habits are not nurturing or helpful to you.

Release all that's all gone when she is.

Instead, turn to a much larger mother force, let it come from within you, not from her (she can't). Turn to that force within yourself and MOTHER YOU.

You must have your own mothering now, to rebuild your health and save your life and build a hope of some long and happier years.

You can still do that.

But only if you take your own life as a precious, beloved thing that you would be doing wrong to allow to deteriorate any further in this hopeless quest to make her last few pages a happy ending.

You can't do this for her. She has her own work now and whether she ends with grace or is no longer a burden you can carry.

You really must release her -- and yourself. And know, deep inside, that it is right to do so.

(Never mind what anyone thinks. ANYONE. This is you answering to the force of life which is much, much wiser than a family, a nursing home, a reputation -- all those strangling assumptions about what we must do and who we must be.)

You must LIVE and heal yourself.

That is your job, that is your deepest responsibility.

It goes deeper than your mother's life.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Voiceless AGAIN?!
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2009, 04:42:08 AM »
Thank you!  You've all made me sob buckets - but in a good way, a kind of relief/release.  Ami - You started it!  :-) By saying 'You are trying to be a good person in the midst of so much chaos'.  There, I'm off again! That really got to the heart of it. Yes, I'm a small child crying 'I do what me told', bewildered by my mother keep changing the goalposts, 'gaslighting', never satisfied.  I'm always wrong, never right, tested beyond what I can cope with.  I understand all that now - my husband behaved in the same way. I still find it difficult to know how much is the autism and how much is personality or 'difficult behaviour' but I see in my son the confusions and misunderstandings which stem from the autism and just how difficult it is to recognise that he's really trying but just getting it all wrong. The care home keeps telling me that my mother is manipulating me.  She's a total pain but I do understand what's going on underneath the behaviour and I'm trying to communicate that to them - they just don't want to know.  She tells me I'm the only person who understands her and I'm sure it's true but...that doesn't make her nice to me or help to make my life easier.  (ironic laughter)

Why should I protect my mother when she's spent her whole life being destructive towards me?  Partly I'm just so sorry for how truly vulnerable she is - locked in that confusion of autism, not understanding why the rest of the world responds to her in the way they do.  She didn't have the opportunity of diagnosis, information, the internet that I've had, that my son has had.  And yet...I think she's far stronger than I am in many ways.  Distressed by so much, yet oblivious to so much.

Izzy - Thank you for sharing your story.  No - I'm the only living relative, other than cousins who live scattered around the country.  I've recently been on a retreat with older women - they are all so strong and vibrant - it was an honour to meet them and know that it is possible to be so independent in old age - just like you. Great role models - unlike my mother who is hugely dependent on me and always has been.  I've shunned her dependency for most of my adult life (using 'tough love') because it was a case of 'my life or hers' and I knew what I had to do, particularly as she gains her strength from me in unhealthy ways - a real energy vampire. 

But my father died in 2003 and everything changed.  At the same time as she wanted me and needed me (and I was willing to support her and do what she wanted), she fought me tooth and nail - and drove me into depression and breakdown.  I've been clawing my way back up ever since but life just won't 'let up'!!!  I had just enough time to sort out my son and my husband and made a huge life change to send cancer packing, only to find myself at the beginning of the circle again!!  How did that happen?

I've put back on all the weight I lost last year (3 stones - I know I'm eating to protect myself but I just can't stop!), sleeping patterns are cr** again, my days are spent at my computer instead of in the fresh air, earning money from my business or creating a new social life.  Even my 'best friend' suddenly disappeared from my life.  And I feel so exhausted (again!)  All that effort to rebuild my life gone down the pan in the blink of an eye.  I just don't know HOW to start again.  I don't have the energy.  I just keep struggling trying at least to tread water and then feeling hopeless when I realise what a pickle I'm in - and then I feel fear that this isn't good for staying alive and then it just goes in a circle of hopelessness (as well as voicelessness!).

So I hear you, Hopalong.  One thing is true - I no longer feel I've failed my mother and I think I won't feel guilty when she dies.  I think. At the beginning of the year, we thought she was dying and I was devastated.  I felt such failure.  I no longer feel I have failed.  In reality, I probably have failed.  But at the time I did everything I could (limited tho it was) - wait for it, this is a real bummer - to bring her back to life (selfishly) so I could fulfil...(these words come to mind) my destiny.  I'm shaking my head here!!  But I 'needed' to help her be heard and understood.  Actually 'all' I did to support her when she was dying was ensure she had visitors (which she doesn't normally have) and phoned more often - but it did make a huge difference to her state of mind.  She was dying out of despair and hopelessness and I didn't see why she should die out of misery.  But what's been proved is that I can't make other people understand her - because they are wilfully closed to doing so.  So then the question arises, should I move her?  (I don't even want to go to that thought right now)

But, you know...who's going to be there for ME when I'm old and needy?  The huge dependence my mother has on me...I've never even thought of doing that to my son.  But the older I get, the more I seem to be turning into her!  I needed to get free from my husband in part because he was turning me into someone I didn't want to be : hugely dependent.  And I feel I've had my comeuppance in all that has happened because I AM dependent again - I phone him up to sob down the phone : sometimes he helps and sometimes he makes me feel worse.  LOL.  I always resisted doing that with my mother because she always took advantage of it - she gains strength from other people's dependence.  Both of them are very debilitating in that way.  I've probably pushed my son towards too much independence as a result (but I'm not sorry because he seems the most balanced of all of us and I WILL accept responsibility for that!!)  I feel glad that I gain strength from helping others become INdependent - tho sadly aware that it leaves me lonely and alone if I do that with every relationship!!!  I have tried to concentrate that into my work but I don't seem to have the skill recognised for what it is.  Independence means my staff don't need me and they forget all the input I had in getting them there.  I didn't think it mattered but I'm beginning to realise that it does!

I digress - or not!  I guess I'm saying life is very confusing and I haven't got much of it left in which to get it sorted. As time marches on, yet another mistake leaves so much less time in which to patch things up.  If it takes 20 years to realise that a relationship has been a complete lie, 22 years to build a friendship that blossoms and then just as suddenly dies...I just haven't got that amount of time left!!  I met someone here on the forum and I really appreciated her friendship which continued after I left this forum, then one day 'poof' she disappeared.  Everything dies.

teartracks and Motherof2 - thank you for being so supportive and encouraging me to continue.

I'm afraid i did!! ;-)

"No matter how enmeshed a commander becomes in the elaboration of his own
thoughts, it is sometimes necessary to take the enemy into account" Sir Winston Churchill


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Re: Voiceless AGAIN?!
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2009, 07:41:53 AM »
I am stubborn, I am angry, I feel humiliated.  I have been rejected.  I was devastated (an understatement) realising that I had obediently done what was expected of me, with good heart and good intentions - and a lot of intelligence and learning - and exposed my mother and myself to people who had no intention of responding positively.  It isn't right! (So what?!)  I worked so hard and got a slap in the face when I expected (groan!) a pat on the head and everyone to faint and marvel at how brilliant I was.  Jeez! I can't really go running to anyone to say 'I'm a little girl and the nasty people hurt me' even tho I think that's what's in me at the moment!! 

I do know that what I produced for the care home was something which gave my mother enormous joy.  I read part of it over the phone to her - I wanted to make sure I'd got it right. She was thrilled.  She had been crying when I called and I was reluctant to share it at that point as she was already stressed and emotional.  But she was overjoyed and so happy. But the care home has refused to use it, to allow her a copy.  Somebody said I'd given her a gift of understanding which can't actually be taken away.  They might refuse to use it but she knows she was truly understood, if only by me.  And it'll be in her subconscious even if she's forgotten it by now.

Part of the problem is that she acts so competent when I'm NOT there.  And acts all innocent when she's creating trouble.  Or so it seems.  It makes me feel angry until I remember that my son would be exactly the same in appearance...but he really did need the smallest thing explained to him, he had no intuitive grasp of anything.  So I have to recognise that my mother is probably the same. It seems she is forever ready to discredit and belittle the only hand that feeds her so I feel on a knife edge all the time : I could claim something and fight hard for it only for her to undermine it all and make me look stupid and a control freak. 

But it seems it's because she can't take responsibility for what she wants and needs - she wants me to fight for it for her but enable her to have it without the fear that accompanies receiving it.  There are always, for her, consequences too major to face.  She is a very, very frightened person, I have discovered - and she hides it well.  Quite often she hides it by harming the person who wishes to help.  Someone who wishes to help will always be open and vulnerable and she can't help using that to empower herself.  It's so sad.  And then I see the pattern : victim becomes persecutor; rescuer becomes victim - one stops thinking 'sad'.  It's very, very BAD!

But, it seems, with understanding comes more responsibility.  I understand therefore I must protect.  I read her diaries - sorry, but I did and it helped - I came across an incident I remembered where she'd got a whole load of people dancing to her tune and then pulled the rug from under them all...for once I hadn't been involved except as a recipient of information so my emotions weren't in play.  Truly, she was completely oblivious of why people were cross with her.  There was not a single glimmer of a gloat at what she'd done.  She is just permanently 'in the moment'.  I always said my husband and son had no sense of 'context' and apparently this is an autistic trait - I think this is the same kind of thing in my mother.

The nurses respond by playing some kind of cat and mouse game with her - I had just started to become aware of it when they turned on me and I ended up the victim instead so I hadn't had time to quite put my finger on it.  They  know how to really upset her and some of them go out of their way to do so.  They ignore her concerns.  They believe she is attention-seeking and makes up stories.  They have her down as manipulative and someone who is not a credible witness of her own experiences.  In one sense that is true but only because she has difficulty expressing what she needs to have understood.  But if nobody believes her when she is telling the truth as accurately as any of us could, what else can she do except express herself via 'manipulative' means.  She 'demonstrates' her weakness or illness and of course it looks manipulative (and drives me nuts with irritation!)

For example, a man turned up in her room in the middle of the night, waking her by knocking something over - and the nurses refused to believe it had happened when I (and the social worker) spoke to them about it.  It was proved ultimately that what she described actually had happened (another resident, a 'wanderer' who had previously lived in her room).  But i think that was their last straw : I forced a formal investigation because I wouldn't accept their refusal to believe her -  as it happened I innocently prevented them from ignoring me as they usually do by writing about related concerns to a mental health support worker who was visiting her.  Boom!  I got the investigation, proof that my mother didn't make up stories but...not the mea culpa or the door opening a crack so we could properly work on ensuring she was listened to appropriately.  :-(

I remember that a few years previously she had driven a lot of people to distraction by keep getting herself taken to the Accident and Emergency - she was trying to get a health concern listened to.  I got the impression she was treated as a malingerer and attention-seeker.  But one day....the consultant said 'you need an emergency operation.  You can't go home because you'll die if you don't have an operation right now'.  Blimey!  She'd had some kind of hernia and nobody had spotted it.  The same reaction from the professionals - and it's DANGEROUS.

I had a conversation with the care home manager in which she said all sorts of negative things about my mother and her relationship with me.  I phoned another day because it all seemed so nebulous - and she completely denied that she'd said ANY of those things - even things she'd been saying for months.  Now I'm beginning to fall off the edge of the cliff.  Why would she do that?  And she couldn't provide any evidence for some of the things which she agreed that she'd said.  It was almost as tho she was a voice for the nurses - she had no thought, no brain involved in what she was saying : In what way is my mother manipulative?  Oh like all elderly people.  Yes but in what way.  Oh pulling on your heart strings.  Yes but what about my mother - in what way is SHE manipulative.  No answer.

I was also blamed for being the cause of upset amongst the staff.  Another Achilles heel of mine.  People upset because of me?  Oh, noooooooo.  I must repair things. Maybe I should try 'yippeeeeeeee' for a change - they're listening and they're ready to change even if they don't know it - now let's stick the knife in and twist it a bit.  They may never talk to me again but why should I care?  They're not my friends either way and I'll never even meet them again unless I visit the care home.  But what do they mean 'upset' - WHY are they upset?  No answer.  The fact is that my every attempt to elicit information or offer interpretation was passed on to care workers by the manager in a way which blamed and pointed the finger whereas I went out of my way to say 'no blame' and was ALWAYS rewarding to anyone who came into my mother's room to offer her care and support.  They were just totally paranoid - or stirrers.  Or...there is one other thought in my mind which I will share and risk 'seeing reds under the bed' could be that the care home manager has autism too - or perhaps she's just driven to destroy.  It's not part of my nature (in spite of offering to turn the knife above!) so I just don't 'get' that people could really be so destructive.

Me? I just want to play.  I'm forever driving people mad because I play 'tag'.  Here's some information, a helpful tidbit, a thought, a challenge, a solution - and I think they're going to come and play.  Mostly they respond with hostility.  Der!  I'll try and play with anyone who comes within five feet of me.  You can see how the internet could be a wonderful playground.  Wouldn't anyone be fascinated to learn all about autism and how easy it becomes to handle difficult people?????  My mother's a pussycat compared to what she used to be BECAUSE I learned in an instant how to handle her.  I must remember to try and take some credit for that.  Oh that reminds me - the care home seemed to turn our interaction into a competition for 'who cares most and best' for and about my mother!!  As if i care about that!  OK I think I'm a clever poodle for having turned around a lifetime of misery into a functioning relationship but why would they deny me that! ;-)  It has nothing to do with 'caring'!!  I'm not interested in her 'care'!!!  If they would understand her, I'd get her off my own back!!!!!
Anyway, during the 'crisis', I suddenly realised that nurses had been ignoring me!  And pitying me (because they thought I was so under my mother's thumb)!  One nurse  couldn't look me in the face when I was talking to her.  I realised she'd been ignoring me every time I visited when I thought she just didn't know who I was (I hadn't known who she was).  'Oh yes, I know who you are' she said when I introduced myself - so why had she never said hello but kept her eyes averted so as not to interact with me?!  She was the deputy manager and head nurse and the person my mother interacted with most, believing she understood her. The new support worker got emboiled in the same cat and mouse game.  At that point I forced the issue, forced my mother and nurses to speak to each other - the result was she got listened to, the GP was brought it, she was put on two lots of new tablets and things were dealt with. I can only assume that she's 'fine' now - as 'fine' as they repeat on and on and on.  She's FINE, she's just manipulating you.  (Well, she can't have been that fine if the GP put her on additional medication!!?)

And a month later while I'm still recovering from all this but staying well away from any of them - the social worker phones me to say how concerned she is about my mother, that she is deteriorating - she talks about her in the same way I had explained her to the care home when she 'removed' me - and she didn't know I wasn't going to be in touch at all...


Mad, mad, MAD!

Hey, social worker - I'm not involved because my mother is supposed to be manipulating me - don't you remember she's supposed to be FINE.  Everybody is FINE as long as I'm not involved.  Don't change the goalposts on me AGAIN!  You all wanted me to have some kind of 'convenient' relationship with her.  Well, we had worked one out that worked for us after 50 odd years of pain and YOU all came along and shot it out of the water.  There is no relationship any more - only one that would be completely toxic to me.  GO AWAY.

I don't think I said that at the time but that's what I think and feel.  I just wanted her to acknowledge the situation they'd all put me in.

These 'professionals' cause so much havoc.  Do they always leave things worse than if they hadn't meddled at all??!

Anyway, I've written to the social worker and she's declined to respond.  Sent me to Coventry like the care home always did.   Am I some mad moron?  I don't know.

Actually the social worker disappeared from the conversation.  I think she was upset.  I'm the one with my life falling apart as a result of her involvement and SHE is upset and gets to just walk away.  I was in the middle of a sentence when somebody else took over the call.  Hello, my name's A, would you like to talk to me?  WOT?!  You called me, I didn't ask to talk to anyone!!!  I didn't say that - I found myself cutting the call. 

But I'm a few steps further forward in being able to speak up for myself.  I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed that day. The content of the call had burst the balloon so there was a way out of the double bind I found myself in.  I expressed the double binds in my email to the social worker. I later regaled my neighbour with the story.  And here I am today.

The day I can encapsulate it all into a single paragraph will be the day I've recovered!!!!!
"No matter how enmeshed a commander becomes in the elaboration of his own
thoughts, it is sometimes necessary to take the enemy into account" Sir Winston Churchill


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Re: Voiceless AGAIN?!
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2009, 09:48:10 AM »
Reaching the end of your life with dementia or autism and a deteriorating body is upsetting.

Your mother may get upset.

She may be upset most of the time, or some of the time.

Your mother is reaching the end of her life and she is going through a passage that is upsetting to her, because her autism and N-ism whatever else have not equipped her to build a spiritual center that she can draw on for strength as she goes through this chapter we all go through.

Hence the vampirism.

And, because feeling death around the corner and seeing life slip away and being neither mentally ready nor physically well is upsetting. Some people die with a smile on their faces. Plenty of people go sour, go south, feel awful, attack those who help them, and die miserable.

Your mother is going to be upset. Some, or a lot, or now and then.

What YOUR challenge is, is to understand that is is not your destiny to soothe your mother and prevent her from experiencing upset.

(I thought that was my destiny too. Keeping my mother happy. Don't let mother feel upset. It wasn't. It was nearly my death sentence.)

Do you hear?

You are (I'm being blunt here from love, not critical): obsessed. Upset. In chaos. Upset. Angry. Upset. Hurt. Upset. Lonely. Upset. Isolated. Upset. Unhealthy. Upset.

Your destiny is to learn to soothe your OWN upset.
To take care of your OWN emotional health (hence, release her...)
To take care of your OWN physical health (hence, not be upset, since it makes you sick).

Rose-- the nursing home staff is afraid of you and you annoy them. Logic isn't the point, it's something about the obsession. They feel YOUR upset. So they are upset. And they are probably wrong -- blaming and scapegoating and evading responsibility is wrong. But most of those bureaucrats in those kinds of institutions do it. (They did at my mother's place too, to one degree or another.) I finally decided my job was to stop fearing them and thank them a lot.

And my mother's job was to make her own peace. I think she did. It wasn't a happy thing, for her to be there in diapers and in dementia ... but I could see about 2 weeks before she died, that she had let go of life. It was just gone. All the Ncharm and twinkle and that astoundingly relentless Nenergy had left her face. It took a long time and a lot of wear for her old body to release its hold.

Your mother is on her own timetable. The care home is what it is and will not change for you or her.

Back to your release her. To save your own life.

To soothe your own upset.

If it takes an armada of help...that is your job now, I believe.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Voiceless AGAIN?!
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2009, 05:33:06 PM »

I read this and it made me smile (I could read it a lot of times and it would still make me smile) :

You are : obsessed. Upset. In chaos. Upset. Angry. Upset. Hurt. Upset. Lonely. Upset. Isolated. Upset. Unhealthy. Upset.

It makes me smile because it tells the truth.  And is full of humour.  It's like a poem.  :-)

I could 'argue' with a lot but not that  :-)

And then you told more truth

The nursing home staff is afraid of you and you annoy them.

That's the humiliating bit - I 'annoy them'.  So they swatted me away - AND SUCCEEDED!

Blaming and scapegoating and evading responsibility is wrong. But most of those bureaucrats in those kinds of institutions do it.

Vindication.  I could swat back!!  [But how - without enabling them to do more of the 'she is annoying us so swat her away again'. Whoever I complain to will have an interest in supporting the care home because they have to work with them in the long term - I am but a blip on the near horizon.  An annoying fly.  And a small one at that, not even a nice big fat juicy bluebottle!!  That's what makes me stuck. The best I can do is sound like a whiny child. This isn't the only part of my life where i feel this and have been treated this way.]  [Don't try to answer this - I just have to express the question and the stuckness]

In so many areas of my life, I remain without...something which seems to matter except I'm not sure what it is or that I deserve it : the concept of recognition seems to be on my mind a lot this year.  After so many years of put-downs and indifference and rejection.  I DON'T WANT TO BE A DOORMAT ANY MORE.  I don't want to hide my light under a bushel just because I'm a threat to the whole human race!!!!!  I want to STOP making myself LESS!!!!!  I want to be MEEEEEEE!  But....

I'm shocked that the whole thing could have affected me so badly. Come out of my closet and get clobbered (again).

I hear you : 'obsession'

I was the same with my son's school.  They didn't know it because I managed pretty much to keep myself under control in public.  But in private, in my mind, I was completely hysterical most of the time.  They weren't listening, I couldn't make them listen, I was powerless (even tho i had the support and intervention of the local authority autism specialist and an official diagnosis).  They were not understanding who my son really was, they were not meeting his needs.  He wanted me to keep out because I was making things worse.  

You can make me feel guilty about that very easily but he was 11 for jeez sake, he didn't have the capacity to see the bigger picture.  Yes, we were right to take him out of school - we discovered he was near emotional breaking point and he has always been glad that we did. He wasn't learning - he was rote learning and living in massive fear.  It has taken four years to undo the harm they did and he still is phobic about anything related to 'education'.  I have only just managed to get him to write his first essay : Why I hate writing essays! ;-) Mostly we do education which doesn't look like 'education'! I recognise I was just adding to his strain.  But it would have been MORE wrong not to have intervened.  He still doesn't really trust people, still expresses himself in very dark ways - his anger was way over the top with his peers.  We have since discovered so much that we wouldn't otherwise have known as we concentrated on dealing with all his sensory and emotional difficulties.  We found out he saw double. We've only just discovered he's always suffered with tinitus!!  The school wouldn't have done the tests we got done - blessed that we could afford it.

I hesitate about my mother.  There are the kinds of issues you refer to - her own spiritual journey and all that - but that is separate to the issues of the care home not validating her experiences. Do I care, should I care?  I put her there.  Therefore I do have a responsibility.  'Why did you put me here' she said when I was trying to separate myself to suit the care home.  She was very upset.  She never said anything like that at her previous care home where there was someone with experience of autism who had been prepared to 'hear' both her and me.  I didn't bother them much at all.  But I wasn't officially involved either - social services knew the relationship was a difficult one and left me out of it.

I guess the thing to do is swallow my own pain and pride and re-inform the mental health assessor of my views regarding my mother's difficulties in expressing herself and about what the care home has done (and the social worker) - really call them all on their behaviour (never mind the impact it has had on me, no emotional stuff) - and set the solicitor on them so she gets a proper assessment (not using me as a cheap consultant) - and refuse to have anything more to do with any of them.

Truth to tell (ouch, ouch, ouch), I feel ashamed that I sent an email which, in retrospect, might have been expected to produce the result it did - I must have shamed them and then they wanted revenge.  But it wasn't my intention.  I wasn't tactful but I was truthful.  I was trying to get a new person to understand what was happening for my mother.  My thoughts at the time were 'complicated' but i didn't intend harm or distress.  I was too distressed myself.  But they chose to interpret it in a way i didn't intend, even when i explained my intention and even tho I continued to be very open with them.  They weren't going to accept that.  They wanted to even things up, they wanted to reinstate their own egos by crushing the threat.  It wasn't evident at first - it has taken me a long time to work this out.  I don't understand why that is.  Thank you for making it explicit for me!!!

Crush me - that's the thing I experience most.  And I don't 'get it'.  I regard myself as hardly competition in any way, shape or form.  But I do want recognition.  Somebody in the work place once described me (in my 20s) as an eager puppy.  It was something he didn't want to have to handle.  What a pity he didn't use the energy and good will an eager puppy brings!  But even then I was (clearly) annoying!!!!!!!  It is so HUMILIATING!  :( :x :?
« Last Edit: May 31, 2009, 07:23:35 PM by rosencrantz »
"No matter how enmeshed a commander becomes in the elaboration of his own
thoughts, it is sometimes necessary to take the enemy into account" Sir Winston Churchill


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Re: Voiceless AGAIN?!
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2009, 06:54:39 PM »
Oh Rose
 I hear some things that may just be my journey now but I will share them. Reject them if they are not for you.
 I realized that I have Dependency Personality Disorder(self diagnosed).
 I read the set of characteristics and realized that I fit them.
 I knew that I had lost my trust in myself and sense of connection to my feelings at 13-14. One day, my F told me that my raging N M was fine .
 At that moment, I flipped in such a way that I did not trust myself anymore. Then, I needed other people to tell me what was right. I couldn't access my "knower".I needed other people to validate my perceptions before I could trust them.
 I went in to a kind of shock . I became numb.
 I have been numb ever since until now when I am waking up to myself(SO slowly)
  For me, it took s/one to see the me who was under all the distortions. The distortions are the lies the NM told us about ourselves such as we were  worthless.
 The biggest thing I hear under all your writing is your deepest self crying out to feel worth for who you are. KEEP writing, Rose.There is a lovely self under there.  Love You, Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Voiceless AGAIN?!
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2009, 11:32:13 PM »

I forgot to mention that I am part-N, extremely prone to obsession and can be verrrrrrrrrrrrrry annoying.

Keep loving yourself. Okay?

I found out that's okay.

We can be all that. We're still loveable.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Voiceless AGAIN?!
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2009, 09:06:40 AM »
Hi Rose! I've read through most of your posts - I, too, have had reams of stuff to write & get out of my system! And I relate to your struggles with autism in FOO relationships. I'll bet it feels good to let it all out, right?

Hopalong is right about your need to shift your focus toward looking after yourself, I think. There is something so subtly, yet powerfully HEALING about mothering ourselves. After all, we need it the most. It really feels wrong, in the beginning... but the benefits of trying are very healthy and that feeling goes away.

I'd add one other bit of advice, that comes from my own experience: forget about, give up, wanting vindication - just let it go. That wish (or obsession, if you like) is the flypaper that keeps you "stuck"; keeps you locked into focussing your time, attention and energy on things you can't change. It's the magic hook of vampires. They COUNT on you reacting this way... to keep the game of Uproar or "Ain't it Awful" or whatever going. In a way, mothering yourself, can be the vindication you're wanting.

"Let it Go" is very easy to say; but takes a lot of practice, mistakes, and trying again. It helps when you've got a support group backing you up and helping you try again, until you "get it" - sometimes at another level. I really needed that along the way... still do, sometimes. I know the collective wisdom, experience and caring here will help you find some solid ground soon.

I'll be back later on. There are things I'm curious about, that perhaps you can answer, about your experience with autism.
Success is never final, failure is never fatal.


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Re: Voiceless AGAIN?!
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2009, 04:56:41 PM »
Hello again - thank you for being so kind as to read and reply.  I found myself wanting to do what I always do - respond personally, enter your experiences, hug you in as many ways possible - and then I found that I couldn't.  I'm too afraid of creating upset.  It's astonishing - I don't understand because that has never been 'me'.   I work hard at NOT upsetting but I always find ways of looking after everyone else and making everyone feel good about themselves.

It reminds me that I don't quite understand what has happened for me in terms of my relationship with my mother.  I'm angry with her - and yet it's not her fault.  If I can't be angry with the persecutor, I guess I'll have to kick the cat - ???  I just don't want to know any more.  I can't fight FOR her any more, that's for certain.  And it's getting easier to see her as I used to see her - manipulative...(except I can't think of any other words than those given me by the care home)

I feel that I've turned into...what is it they say about kidnap victims who end up identifying with their captors???

I think I really may have lost my marbles!!

Here's my confessional!!

I used 'tough love' to force my mother to start communicating 'properly' with the care home.  She was hysterical - she said later that she hadn't understand the words i was using but understood the tone of voice.  She said it was like steel and she knew I was deserting her.   I kept telling her that the care home kept saying that she's fine and that she's just manipulating me.  I've never been so truthful, I've always protected her.  Perhaps I hoped she'd simply say 'of course not' and be totally rational - as if she's ever been totally rational!!!  She asked staff to tell me she wasn't fine - they knew, they'd tell me.  And then the bombshell : they'd been told not to speak to me.  My mother hysterical in one ear - I'm trying to phone the social worker with my other hand.  Can't get though so phone the nurses station instead.  Get the usual 'shrugged shoulders' response.  Finally blurt out - "something's going to break and it's not going to be me and I don't see why it should be my mother."  Unbelievable i should say that - that still makes me want to cry buckets.  And clearly it WAS me who broke.

I wrote to the social worker later that afternoon somehow crowing that I'd managed to offload my mother onto the care home and how at various points I had avoided acting as a co-dependent (which is what I'd learnt to do in order to survive my mother at various times throughout my life).  Although she may be 'N' - she has always been totally dependent on me - right back to my early childhood.  I clung to her because she needed me - and I know she undermines me and thereby creates dependence in me because then she gains power and safety.  I'm like a so**ing performing seal!  Spent my adult years having to be so wary (fortunately I've always been  too proud to be a performing seal!  Pride has been my saving grace!! ;-)

That night at bedtime I looked in the mirror and all I could see was someone vile and ugly.  I was shocked at the ferocity of my feelings -total  hatred towards myself.  Self harm -  I've known those feelings before.  I decided to deal with it by looking it up on the internet : it calmed me down to see that it was a reaction to 'overwhelming distress'.  That was certainly what I was feeling.  Distress - that was a good word.  [Get my left brain working - it somehow keeps the feelings at bay.  Perhaps that's the same reason I'm up until 2am and 3am again.  TV on, music on, light on, napping, waking, falling asleep from sheer exhaustion.  It was like this prior to leaving my family home. Everything had been fine once I was away from the constant daily stress of my family - up until now.] offloading her, I betrayed my mother's trust. 

There have been many years when she's been vile to me because she was angry because I 'left' her when I was 19 - to live my own life.  I broke her trust and she made me suffer for years and years and years. And then again when my father died.  Recently she actually mentioned something about 'having to trust me' - and it felt so sad.  She didn't say it in a resentful way but what was sad was just the fact that she had to work at it and she was vulnerable and that trust, like a green shoot, could be crushed so easily.  So what did I do....smashed it to smithereens.  (Where's that hairshirt?!)

And then there was another week of shenanigens at the care home.  They had their own way and I was out of the picture, but they weren't prepared to give up that easily - they had to crush me not just get rid of me.  And I haven't really been right since!!!

Did they really set out to crush me?  The letter was threatening and I just couldn't handle it any more.  It was angry :"If we're so awful, take her away. And if she really does have autism, we're not looking after her.  Let's have another meeting where we can give half truths to defend ourselves and fight you and attack you and send you spinning so you won't know which way is up. We know the social worker won't stand up for the truth and we've already had some practice at getting away with attacking you and we know nobody will stand up for you" It's really hard to stand up for myself because I always try to understand the other person and then I'm not standing in my own perspective.

I'm not really mad, I just sound it.  But it's so upsetting to know all this is so close to the surface.  It's always been there but my mind has always been stronger and could overcome it one way or another.  Being married made a difference.  Being held always made a difference.  I could always let everything go in a hug.  But somehow since my father died...

I have wondered how much this has to do with 'not grieving'.  I wasn't 'allowed' to grieve.  'Why should you need to grieve when you never saw him?' said my mother. Truthfully, would anyone in their right mind over the age of 12 ever have to say that??????   How could she  resent me taking time for myself to cope with my father's death.  She certainly kept me fully occupied coping with her passive-aggressive behaviour.

Except I normally interpret all that behaviour differently these days.  Someone with Aspergers or Higher Functioning Autism really doesn't 'get' these things.  There's no point in feeling hurt or indignant - it just 'is'.  It's a perfectly normal sincere question for someone with Aspergers to ask.

But if I do that (panic), I'll be bullied by the care home again and I'm just too fragile (hey, give me a break - cancer, marriage breakup, living alone, missing child, big leap to a new town where I know no-one, therapist disappears in a puff of smoke, bullying landlords, 'best' friend disappears in similar puff of smoke and on and on...). How lame is that.   Do you think it's possible I should accept that I AM in a situation where anyone would be fragile?   Everyone has their own breaking point, I guess.

I really have joined the bullies - like they say about the Nazis.  'They told me to do it'  Ok - betraying my mother isn't the holocaust.  It only felt like it. :evil:

But will she get off my back?  NO!  Today she's phoning my husband in a panic because she thinks she's been told that the care home want to get rid of her and she has to pay the bills and there isn't enough money. [See, I'm angry with her - it's not fair of me to be angry with HER).  I TOLD the social worker to reassure her that I was still paying the main bills but that she should be allowed to have the independence to pay for her own newspapers.  They keep asking me to write cheques for £2 and I haven't got enough!  She has her own cash and cheques. And she always did deal with her own expenses before she went to THIS care home.  I sent a rather sarcastic email to the social worker - not very clever but I pointed out that normally I'd deal with this matter by trying to get people to understand my mother's difficulty with communication (she and my son are like two peas in a pod!) but of course they'll tell me she's just being manipulative (and perhaps she is).  Of course, the fact that I understand my mother so well that I could foresee the possibility of misinterpretation unless reassured in simple terms, is neither here nor there. They will just wilfully refuse to help ascertain her needs by observation or communication care plan etc etc etc.  haha I sound like a resentful powerless three year old having a tantrum.  (Do I? Oh dear)

YES I did enjoy being the one 'in control' - I'd finally 'tamed' my mother - she was no longer like a rotweiler on a leash - most of the time she was content to panic quietly under my wing.  Sometimes she'd bite me when it all got too much for her but I was working on my boundaries and 'getting there'. I knew if I created space and time to talk to her, I could relax and let it all wash over me.  Quite often she'd not even connect with me.  It was just an outpouring.  And we were fine.  But the care home could not bear that.  I had to give up that comfortable (and, dare I say, comforting) connection.

The downside has always been that I'm so 'in touch' with her that I'd feel her physical pain as well as her emotional pain - all those miles away.  I was getting help for that with someone who works with 'energy fields'.  I know it sounds crazy but that's how it is.  At least I could phone up when I felt distress for no rational reason and discover  it was actually coming from her.  You see, there is no escape even if I DO take myself out of the loop!!!

Thanks again for the hugs and thoughts and comments.  :cry:
"No matter how enmeshed a commander becomes in the elaboration of his own
thoughts, it is sometimes necessary to take the enemy into account" Sir Winston Churchill


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Re: Voiceless AGAIN?!
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2009, 11:33:10 PM »

Hi R,

Is there any way you can hire a neutral health care advocate to stand in your stead with your mom for a while...long enough for you to regain your emotional and physical strength?  Maybe someone in the town where the care home is located.
I don't think it would be selfish or wrong for your mom to help with such an expense if she can.  Even 4 or 5 hours a week?

Many hugs...


« Last Edit: June 01, 2009, 11:35:42 PM by teartracks »