Gennulman and I have settled into a very sweet and devoted kind of friendship. I pulled back from letting a romance develop. At times I am very sad about that, but most of the time I know it's a wise decision. He has been SO good to me, supportive, loyal, and helpful. I am awed by it, as it's an unfamiliar sensation. But even though he's a dear soul, I know that I cannot make a commitment to someone who is alcoholic and unemployed. That sounds like a skid row stereotype (ironic, because he did become homeless at one point)...but it's not. He drinks very little around me. He is thoughtful, courteous, kind, loving. He works a lot for various people in landscaping, home repair jobs. He just doesn't have a regular job. If I were to commit and we moved in together or married, I'd be supporting him. And I'm so tapped out from caregiving. I just can't "adopt" a partner who doesn't drive a car (lost his license, has no vehicle), isn't ambitious even a little. But I learn a lot from his spirit. He lives extremely simply and his philosophical attitude has comforted me. When I'm going all ditsy anxious over the house, I remember his one-BR place that is so simple, and that he appreciates so much. He is genuinely happy. And I learn as much from that being around him as I do anything else.
So. It's a wonderful relationship. It may be the companionship that takes me through the rest of my life, or it may not be. But for now, Gennulman is a blessing in my life. We are not committed or exclusive, though, so if another lady at the church sets her cap for him...I'd feel selfish if I tried to make a claim. He said to me the other day, "I don't know what the heck our relationship is, but I love it, and I love you." That feeling's mutual.
When I get frustrated or sad about not having a true partner I could plan a future with, then I realize that in my unsettled state, I don't really have the energy or interest in searching out someone new to date anyway. So Gennulman and I keep company a couple nights a week, talk almost daily, and it's good.
Maybe one day, when I know where I live and have finished my filing, I'll soar into a new social life. And if he does that first, having found someone who doesn't have the same limits and I do and won't hold back because of his "issues", then bless him, he deserves it and I will dance at his wedding.