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New Lessons: Boundaries and "hope" (expectations)
« on: July 08, 2009, 12:57:35 PM »
So maybe I didn't take my brother K, seriously, when he told me the first time that he simply doesn't care what I want as we go through his delaying tactics in transferring ownership of my Dad's business and settling the estate. Surely, I thought: he has to care as neither of us is a majority stockholder and it's just the two of us. Surely he at least cares about his share of the money involved.

I did take him seriously, when he told me last night he doesn't give a rat's a$$ about what I want. I was disappointed and hurt and angry. I told him that I absolutely don't understand him. His reply? "Good". He doesn't feel it's necessary to - or can't - elaborate.

It's taken us 6 months to get to the final stage of presenting employment contracts for our key man, who thankfully, will be running all the day to day operations. The offer is, in the eyes of the CPA, lawyer, and trustee - extremely generous. Perhaps overly generous, because K decided that our conversation about a possible "signing bonus" was the decision to go ahead and include that - without consulting me or confirming that we had reached a decision. Apparently, he cares about what the key man wants more than me... and my 20 years of professional employment experience is "just the way I am"... and not important.

And to rub salt in the wound, he seemed to expect me to feel sorry for him, empathetic, about the rediculous hours he keeps and time travelling he spends for the job -- that he now doesn't need the income from, but chooses to continue. Because, this is his "justification" for why he is delaying cooperating with the trustee and the legal timetables. I guess it helps him feel "important".

Well, DUH Amber. I'm kicking myself for being in denial again and expecting (hoping) that he had grown up, matured, and learned something. He's 50 - but his way of dealing with all people is more like a 10 yr. old. - including me. I expected him to "play fair" and understand the rules and etiquette of business. When I told him he was being inconsiderate of everyone's time in delaying, postponing, forcing schedules around his convenience... he had no answer or response. And I refused to give him, what he silently seemed to be expecting of me: empathy, attunement, and falling back into the childhood sibling roles that would give him a sense of being connected with me (albeit through a dysfunctional "game" of fighting with him or mothering him).

Boundary: I "won't go there" with him. Our new roles require professionalism and business savvy, TRUST and respect for each other. He has told me point blank that he won't respect me, by not appreciating that my desire to complete this process is important to me. He doesn't care and he's told me so. Months ago, I pointed out to him that we would inevitably disagree on some things, and that while I respected his position, he couldn't tell me what to think or feel. Apparently, he doesn't know how to do that for me, because he doesn't even hear me, when I explain my position. I have already compromised several times, when it was against my better judgement. And he broke the tentative trust I put in him, to work together, negotiate, and compromise/decide together... when he assumed that a signing bonus was just fine by me - never mind the amount.

Everything is just fine for him, as long he gets to control the process and everything revolves around him and his needs - which of course, I'm supposed to guess at. But I'm feeling like I'm going through this process alone - except for the "unseen force" of his unavailablity, lack of concern and participation in the process and passive-agressive attempts to control, i.e., seem important.

So, I've had to admit to myself that I can't trust him. I can't relax with him. I can't "connect" with him - because it's betraying myself to simply fall back into my own, old, FOO role. I make every attempt to communicate clearly and concisely with him and attempt to do so in writing, to avoid misunderstandings and "assumptions". But, he won't deal with his email issues so that he can communicate in writing at all (he can't send; his inbox is too full... sigh... and poor boy doesn't have time to delete all those emails - GROW UP!! What a flimsy excuse for not being responsible or held to deny what you just said... or "forget" - all of which I've tried to "roll" with, even to the point of explaining to him how to "fix" it).

And for better or worse - I have to fight my instinct to run away from dealing with this at all. It's one hell of an opportunity to practice boundaries, AS LONG AS I remember that he too, is a product of the same dysfunctional FOO, the "golden child", that he remembers nothing of the trauma we went through, and is trapped in N behaviors. Whether or not he is a true N... remains to be seen. I have to be conscious of my own limits of pain, frustration, and infuriation.

I also have to fight my instinct to caretake him, feel sorry for him. That's a thankless job. His life is on the verge of imploding - his marriage is shaky and even my needy, dependent, victim/martyr mother is looking at options for getting away from him and his family. Even his beloved job at the university may be in danger; he lives in a state that is hard hit economically. It's hard to not feel for him, because he has unwittingly created this whole situation because of the same FOO issues that I'm recovering from. I mention the benefits of therapy every few months. He is miserable and he doesn't know why. But I have to protect myself and I'm doing all I can to protect the business, as well. He has absolutely no conception or understanding of business - it's a completely foreign subject to him. He keeps asking what we can do to pay less tax... sigh. As if the law doesn't exist; isn't real. Or that we can do anything about it.

I have no real hope - not after last night - that he can be trusted to cooperate or play by the "rules" of business. I have got to remind myself prior to every interaction with him, that he is trapped in the misery of FOO crap and that he is desperate and will stoop to unbelievable levels to re-enact the old patterns between us. He is simply, another in the long line of "difficult" people that I gravitated to, in my life... playing out my own patterns. And the boundary is real and I need to invoke this in my feelings before I pick up the phone or communicate with him. I changed in the last 40 years; he hasn't. It's not possible for me to "go back", now. I no longer "know" him - nor him, me.

The boundary does allow for an authentic, genuine communication though. If he can ever speak what he's feeling, I'll recommend therapy to him again and consider sharing some of my own process. In the meantime, I think he's going to hear "no" a lot.

I needed to get this off my chest. Thanks for reading.
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Re: New Lessons: Boundaries and "hope" (expectations)
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2009, 03:06:33 PM »

I completely understand & empathize.  Now that we have recognized the foo crap & we have worked so hard to free ourselves from it's legacy, it's so difficult to deal with siblings who are still mired in foo crap, unconsciousness & denial.  It hurts so much & we keep repeating to ourselves "boundaries, boundaries, boundaries".  And, adding the dimension of the estate & death of a parent only makes it worse.  Feels like the angst could destroy us, but, we fight to keep our balance & sanity & hope (know) we can flourish.  There's a huge self-growth lesson in it all:  the universe & life is teaching us & we are students.

Sounds like you are handling it so well.  One day, it will end, the estate will close & it will all be over & done.  In the interim, keep doing what your doing:  being strong & true to yourself.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2009, 03:08:41 PM by ann3 »


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Re: New Lessons: Boundaries and "hope" (expectations)
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2009, 04:00:50 PM »
Thanks, Ann. At this point, I don't know what else TO do... except put what I've learned to work... and see what happens. Meanwhile... it's feelings... one step at a time... again. I guess I never anticipated my brother was quite so "stuck" - we haven't had much of a relationship in the last 30-40 years. Yeah, it's another loss on the list... and not to minimize it, it's not that big of a surprise or that awful, really. After all, about all I heard from my brother over the years, was the Christmas box of books I would finally receive in July... because he just couldn't get himself to the post office in December.

Thankfully, I feel a whole LOT less "helpless" and "powerless" now. There are things I can do to protect myself, to move things forward... and I don't have to explain my brother to anyone - they figured it out on their own. I just had to whine a bit... get the toxic out of my system and remember not to walk into any cream pies, in the future.

Mowing the lawn - any kind of physical exercise - helps. Now to go water my neighbors "memorial" tree; she planted a weeping dogwood for her late dad (he died shortly after mine did) and she has gone away to rest with her hubby and talk to her brother. The tree's not doing real well... and I'm determined to try to save it for her. I have pretty good luck with plants - sometimes. I've promised her we'll trade estate war stories when she gets back, over margaritas. When she told me her tale, the tears just welled up for her... and though the money situations are total opposites... so much is the same. I live like a hermit; while I try to be friendly... I'm still not very social. But they've been such good neighbors and I knew her schedule was all over the place. We watch each other's houses while on vacation. We might both be able to process a bunch of feelings that have gotten lost in the shuffle of so much "stuff" to do.

I'll think some more about this later.
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Re: New Lessons: Boundaries and "hope" (expectations)
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2009, 04:31:11 PM »
"I don't know what else TO do... except put what I've learned to work... and see what happens."  That's exactly right. 

From what I've read, the trustee considers you credible & serious & he listens to you, so that is great.

"I guess I never anticipated my brother was quite so "stuck".
 I think you have evolved soooo much, so that when you/we interact with family members who are still the same, we really feel the gap.  It feels like they lack the insight we have gained.

"I've promised her we'll trade estate war stories when she gets back, over margaritas."  Can I join you???

Amber, this estate stuff is soooo hard & it often brings out the worst in all of us:  childhood/foo baggage, greed, fear, anger, etc.  Plus, your situation re: the business, the key man, etc, sounds a bit complicated & involved.  So, based on what you've written, I think you are handling it all soooo well. 


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Re: New Lessons: Boundaries and "hope" (expectations)
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2009, 08:01:59 PM »

I understand everything you're going through right now.

The urge to help a sibling with FOO issues is strong, but....

you have to protect yourself, and get on with grieving the fact you can't save them.

They have to save themselves.

I wish your brother could learn from your example.

Unfortunately, he'll have to do it like everyone else.

The hard way: /



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Re: New Lessons: Boundaries and "hope" (expectations)
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2009, 09:03:45 AM »
Thanks, Mo2.... you're absolutely right - this is recognition of a loss. I wished for that connection, too... regaining my relationship with my brother... not as abused children, but as healthier adults. I had hoped we could "play" together in the business - but he's already told me that I "shouldn't" (like, that's gonna stop me!!).

Ann, what's complicated is that we will own a small manufacturing business (15 employees) that have global sales. The "key man" has been VP of Operations for 10 years, basically running everything as my Dad's health declined. He's been there 18 years, all told, and we're going to make him the president. He's earned it. The company makes measuring devices and tools for an infrastructure/commercial construction industry. The company has been doing very well under it's current leadership... holding it's own, even in this economy. My brother & I will wind up as co-chairs of the Board of Directors (it's a private company).

And I'm all excited about that! I know how to "make" things and I understand technical stuff, too. And there is quite a bit of science involved - metallurgy, physics - which I've always been attracted to. The artist/techie side of me wants to know more about this part of the business... and fire up the "idea" machine again.

Then, there's the business side. Owning the business is a level or two or three "up" from my previous business experience - I was very comfortable in the "leutenent" position and never craved being the "big boss". That much power.... and me??! No way. Power = responsibility. And how easily responsibility turns to blame, in my experience... sometimes, unjustified. And well.... I just didn't trust myself and knew I couldn't deal with that much blame. Besides, most of my experience with people in that position (not all) was that they didn't listen to the people doing the work, didn't care enough to take action (or were scared themselves), or were "always right" when they really didn't know anything about the subject, in the first place. I didn't want to become that kind of person.

But, the WORST possible "boss" is the one that doesn't even use the power assigned... to do their job well, so that everyone else can do theirs. Unless I sell-out my shares of the business, I don't have a choice about learning how and where & when to use that power. And there is a part of me that's always believed that I can do this well; that's always wanted this - despite the above. My Dad and I talked about this, from time to time.

My brother doesn't even realize this power is part of the whole situation... not rationally, anyway. And he's so unfamiliar with the environment, that he is suspicious, distrustful of "men in suits", questioning, nit-picky over things that are really unimportant, and trying to re-invent the wheel at every step of the way. So he never truly "hears" the advice, cautions, requirements that are being honestly given to us, in preparation for the new role. He doesn't want to "play" -- OK, that's fine. But someone HAS to, in this role. The key man isn't able to make that level of decision himself and being involved in the day-to-day operations, he still needs someone to consult, advise, and direct him. (and educate me on the techie side!) He's not really interested in that board of directors kind of work - yet - and I get a sense from him, that he might be open having some help in that area. He's much more hands-on than administrative. I think he'd appreciate someone taking that part of the load again - my Dad didn't for 10 years - collaboratively.

And I think that I can and will be OK - despite all the things that MIGHT happen - COULD happen in the process. And my brother doesn't have to like me, as part of that equation. He can simply draw his income, if he doesn't want to do or learn what is necessary. But he can't tell me, I can't "play" or "work" at this. Someone needs, is required, must do it. And I truly think I'll enjoy it - despite what I can already predict will be some difficulties and conflicts along the way.

In the meantime, it's the WAITING and dealing with my brother's warped/irrelevant "big/important" issues - that are only minor details - that's driving me batty. Mostly thanks to my brother not thinking this is important enough to make time for the meetings, etc that's involved, we're on month 10 now, of settling the estate/transferring the business ownership. And he created a major setback back in March - which cost us 4 months of time - by propagating, getting hooked into - and getting me hooked into - a blame game... which eventually turned out to be a major manipulation of my brother (who still doesn't realize it) by the key man. Once I was face to face, I started to catch on... but that's one of my disadvantages - I am states away, while my brother is near the business. I have plans to rectify that... with technology.
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Re: New Lessons: Boundaries and "hope" (expectations)
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2009, 11:47:22 AM »
One more post... to tie boundaries in with attachment/fear... losses (thx, Mo2)... and recovery. I'd been feeling that I still needed more info... to push myself along, a week or so ago. GS will remember.... the attachment thread again. So I've been doing a lot of reading. Steven Farmer, Daniel Goleman's "Emotional Intelligence" and Claudia Black's "Changing Course". Journaling out some of the exercises Dr. Black suggests... working through my story and my patterns/habits/ways of relating & reacting emotionally that are counter-productive to what I think I want.

Especially helpful was Dr. Black's chapter on letting go old beliefs & losses. I haven't yet worked out exactly how this experience with my brother fits in... but I did finally get around to addressing the fear I felt, under the anger I expressed. And looking at what the fear was all about... circled me back to attachment. I filled out the child's losses charts. I ran out of room, OK? I wrote small.

By the time I was 13-14... I'd suffered more significant losses than the examples cited for both the child/adult charts - combined. And of course, my attachment with my mother being essentially emotionally unavailable to me - and isolating me - and on & on... is an atmosphere of loss and abandonment. And of course, the fear is essentially a lack of stability, a predictable environment... security...SAFE to be me without enmeshment/boundary violations.

I couldn't think of a single thing to plunk down on the adult chart graph, except my girls' growing up and leaving the "nest". My divorces didn't seem like losses. ???????????

Well, duh... that's because I never risked that much emotional investment to have suffered a loss. And that's probably because I had a belief about relationships that was getting in the way.... uhhhhhhh - that would be the attachment issue, huh? And the flip side of positive attachment is abandonment. I walked away - without regret, though much guilt - from 2 marriages. The guilt didn't last long, because I was able to rationalize it away with the fact that I wasn't getting emotionally nourished. I wonder why, since I couldn't risk anything emotionally, myself? DUH.

This morning, I awoke from a Twiggy-dream: within infinite, total blackness "I" was nothing more than an unceasing, banshee wail or scream. One other fact in the dream was remembered: my mother was dead. Did I mention that I used to scream in my sleep, waking from nightmares in the middle of the night? Even before I was "Twiggy"? This is - was - Twiggy's "black hole". 100% unremitting pain that blots everything else out.

It was also Twiggy trying to tell me something... and I've been "selectively deaf". This isn't the way it's supposed to be, the way it has to be. And while it might be my current "comfort zone" of relating, to keep my distance emotionally... it's not a permanent condition. Carolyn said she'd given up hope of being able to recover from her attachment issues.... and that bothered me more than I realized at the time. For myself, as well as Carolyn.

And I think I've worked it out. It's going to require some "testing" and experimentation to see if my theory works... is correct for me.

Chronic abandonment... and I'm going to throw into that category: a disturbed, disrupted or non-existant attachment...or enmeshment...or all of the above... is trauma. Just like the rape I experienced, but delivered and experienced and internalized in a slow, drip, drip, drip... chinese water torture style. It is so slow and pervasive that we simply don't notice it. Especially when it goes back to infanthood. And traumatic emotions - anger or pain or abandonment - become engraved in areas of our brain, so that any situation that faintly resembles the original experience pull out the same old, emotional survival reactions. Whether or not, the situation in fact, DOES bear any resemblance to the original trauma. A "snake" in the grass can be just a stick - but one experiences the same fear-reaction anyway, for a few seconds. And the stick might just as well have been REAL, as far as our inner experience goes.

So, this "traumatic relationship" - IS our "normal". It is what we believe relationships ARE.

What Twiggy knows - and I don't know how she knows, for sure - is that this isn't the ONLY way relationships are. Therefore, if that is true... attachment issues don't have to be a permanent emotional disability or limitation. We simply need to learn new or other ways of "being" in a relationship - and then practice. Find the new boundaries... where they are flexible; where they are not. Little baby steps. Little risks. But, making those other ways of "being" our new normal.... has a requirement, a universal "have-to"... of letting go the OLD first, to make room for the new. As long as I believe I have something to fear (possible abandonment)... or I keep trying to find some light, sound or way out of Twiggy's black hole of unremitting pain by re-experiencing it over & over thinking/believing "it's the way it is"... instead of just opening my eyes... the old patterns and survival reactions will persist, constantly making my life fraught with dealing with the same thing, over & over, the same way... and getting exactly the same result.. in any number of situations.

Twiggy's got a point. It doesn't HAVE to be this way. I need to open my eyes and try something different. I'm no longer dependent on a caretaker to survive, therefore the pain I experienced then won't occur again... so the fear isn't needed to protect myself and make myself safe. Time to let ALL that, go. To make room for other stuff. Sorry for the rambling, babbling... hope it makes sense and is useful to someone.

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Re: New Lessons: Boundaries and "hope" (expectations)
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2009, 01:46:21 PM »
You're such an amzaing human being, Amber.

I hope the work you're doing really helps you find confidence and comfort with weilding authority and power in the company.

« Last Edit: July 12, 2009, 01:52:10 PM by Motherof2 »


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Re: New Lessons: Boundaries and "hope" (expectations)
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2009, 10:47:02 PM »
That is a wonderful insight, PR...about the gradual incremental trauma of abandonment.
Just wonderful.

And I think you are safe now, because you know you are not going to abandon yourself.
I'm no longer dependent on a caretaker to survive

You have become your own caretaker, and you won't abandon yourself.



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Re: New Lessons: Boundaries and "hope" (expectations)
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2009, 09:55:44 AM »
Update... good news/breakthrough I think.

"Twiggy/me" had a conversation with my mom about my brother, on Friday.

"Twiggy/me" told her: I can't mother him and I shouldn't... would you please talk to him about the feelings that are preventing him from thinking clearly... and suggest to him, that he get some help before his whole life explodes???

And she said she would try. I think she missed the implication that she was his mother and needed to help him instead of me - but, oh well. The fact that she'd talk to me about it, is progress of a sort. And while I don't have much hope that she will be able to influence him and everything will immediately change for the better... it's a seed; a start.

And it was a way for me to give the responsibility for caring (the excess responsibility) that was generating all my obsessive anxiety - back to her... something I've needed to do, for 40 years. And nothing "bad" happened, when I finally said what I needed to say.

I am moving into a new phase... some of it is intentional; some of it is just where I am on the path of "recovery". "Twiggy/me" is in a phase of rapid growth, too. Some of it is emotional - I'm deliberately choosing not to spend so much time on painful things... it's been mined/analyzed down to the molecular-atomic levels... there isn't anything left to glean from it except THE SAME painful feelings. It does "Twiggy/me" no favors to keep re-hashing that now. Just keeps us stuck there.

Out of this last "review/reframing" process... I've finally understood "emotionally" that I have been trying to fill emotional needs incorrectly. Trying to temporarily band-aid the need-deficit with physical stuff... food, cigarettes, etc. or validation from other people. I see that I can ask for what I need - those needs aren't infinite or excessive... and while I still have the old "double-bind" of feeling scared/bad about wanting to feel "good" or capable... I've decided to ignore that anxiety as being "old stuff" that no longer applies... and to at least TRY something different than what hasn't worked all these years.

Limits were something that I never knew existed; self-care too was something that wasn't "taught" as important. These are brand-new concepts for me and when I combine those with boundaries... it's pretty useful and powerful for me. I think "Twiggy/me" is further along internalizing this "new" understanding, than I am... but we are moving along very fast now. Goals, self-trust and self-commitment are kind of the flip-side of limits, boundaries, and self-care.

So, I'm turning toward a recovery plan of seeking out positive experiences and feelings. Learning to understand the infinite shades of emotional "color" in those feelings. As an "antidote" to the reflex to immediately jump to the conclusion that I should be afraid, or angry or seek to "control" my feelings, my self, and even others... as a method of "protecting" myself and trying to get my needs for positive reinforcement/feelings met using negative processes.

Uncharted territory. But "Twiggy-me" is excited and not at all worried about getting "lost" on the way. "Amber-me" is worried about her "dignity"... but I've enlisted the help of my "little boy/never grow up" hubby who has much better boundaries, internal limits and none of the anxieties, I have. He is wicked fun... and does understand me, when I explain all the crap about me and my FOO to him.
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Re: New Lessons: Boundaries and "hope" (expectations)
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2009, 02:14:43 PM »

Brava, Amber....

brava: )


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Re: New Lessons: Boundaries and "hope" (expectations)
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2009, 11:31:10 PM »
How wonderful to have a hubby you can describe as "wicked fun"


I'm so glad for you, Amber.

Is he responsible, too?

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Re: New Lessons: Boundaries and "hope" (expectations)
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2009, 09:13:25 AM »

SOME times, Hops! Actually, he's quite responsible and his math/financial ability and experience are really very helpful right now. He's way more gifted than he knows in this area. It helps me to feel we can keep all bigwigs "honest" - the ones managing the estate.

M's only "irritating" issue is that he loves his "toys" and collects fun, cool things. Which includes magazines. So, it becomes an issue for me, triggering all my mom's pack-rat crap... in that sometimes I feel "stuff" is more important than people or space for people. M & I have sort of found a compromise in this area - it's not perfect, or B&W... so it comes up a lot. We work on communicating "safely" and clearly around that issue. That's just horrible, huh?  ::sarcasm::

And he's been "in the loop" through my recovery process... and now sees why I live 1000 miles away from my family! His suggestion for over-coming my brother's passive-aggressive resistance to getting things done was a good example of "wicked fun"... he suggested the trustee schedule a meeting at his office and sureptitiously schedule the medical exam people (for buy-sell insurance) to be there at the same time. Given the fact that my brother has had months to schedule this exam (45 mins and a house call, of all things!) - and has a flimsy excuse for blowing the last opportunity a couple weeks ago - M's suggestion is sounding wiser all the time!

All this "waiting" and not being able to actively work toward finalization is the absolute pits, for me. I'm NOT an overly impatient person... it's simply that I was told we'd be "done" by now... and we're not. M is still working, and we had been told he could retire in Sept. He sorta needs to know soon, to give that notice, eh? No further word on that, to date. In fact, lots of things we've been told - dates & such - have been superseded, replaced, extended, or forgotten. I have been available, ready, and have done my homework -- even on short notice -- so that I'm not the one "holding things up". My brother only responds to requests/questions/decisions... when he gets around to it. And he is frequently AWOL - incommunicado - and doesn't see the importance (to me) of finishing up this process. He completely doesn't recognize the legal requirement for the trustee of completing the business transfer by such & such a date or that it can be completed PRIOR to that date - and doesn't realize that this isn't the ONLY estate that the trustee is involved in... and brother is deliberately waiting until the very last minute... this is a pattern in everything he does. Drives his wife & my mom bonkers. He doesn't begin to think about income taxes until 3 days before April 15, for instance.

Yes, everyone's different - I can appreciate that. But I've asked for his cooperation - and basically been told to go fly a kite. " I don't give a rat's ass what you want", were his exact words. As if he is in control... and is the only one who "matters". (and you know what buttons that pushes...) But the fact - reality is - that he's getting away with this, even though I confided in the trustee who promised to try to move things along - despite the tactics of my brother. I can let this toxic cocktail of invalidation, frustration & anger brew until I go nuclear again... or I can find another way to address it.

I know how long this stuff takes in the business world. We've crossed the line from simple delays into absurd obstruction of the process.

This week, I'm reviewing everything.... notes from the last 9 months of meetings, things I've been told, numbers, emails. Don't know what I'm looking for yet... but between M & me, we'll find a creative way to start driving this process. Worst case, I will go the legal route - but that will only take more time, be more complex, and is counter-productive to what I want from my brother and the trustee: collaboration and cooperation... a grownup, responsible, clear & transparent approach to completing the process.

I've had 3 months of "vacation/retirement"... time off from the nitty-gritty of work. I put that time into working on ME, so that I would be able and ready to move on. And in that 3 months - absolutely no progress has been made except to file the estate taxes, on the date required by the IRS. We began working seriously on this in January. I DID project management - as has M - and this whole process is revealing itself as bumbling, fuzzy, obfuscatory, and rediculously drawn out. The trustee keeps hiding behind "it's a complex process".... but it's not THAT complex and I'm not that naive about business. So I'm looking for buttons that I can push now. I'm done being the "good girl" who doesn't ask pointed questions, doesn't nag, and just shuts up and goes away... trusting that everyone is looking out for her best interests.

SURE they are...

So I'm going back to work on this now. Time to make myself heard, loud & clear.
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Re: New Lessons: Boundaries and "hope" (expectations)
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2009, 09:29:45 PM »
Yes, time to be heard, Amber: )