GS, that's huge!
What an epiphany if half the paralysis has been to feeling assailed by your immune system, not emotions alone.
That's really great.
I have a friend who is TERRIBLY disabled by allergies.
Absolutely zero energy.
I wrote chapters on allergies for a publisher...
Once the house is clean, maintain with a HEPA vaccum.
No carpet, no draperies...smooth Zen floors and minimal clutter.
It really will help.
As to cats, start using AllerPet once a week, it cuts their dander output tremendously.
An immunologist I interviewed told me the coolest thing (I developed an allergy late in my cat's life):
Start with 2 young kittens and once a week, take them in the shower with you and use very mild shampoo on them with a gentle stream of warm water.
When you start with very young ones (6 weeks, as soon as weaned) they'll adapt just fine and think it's normal.
After all, think about it...some tigers swim. Cats can be bathed. Just have to start it young.
I just love that idea. One day, 2 new kitties for me, and I'll be happy to cuddle freely.
So happy for you that you've had this epiphany about your health.
You and I are on such parallel paths...I did do my bedroom and bathroom last weekend and it's brought me joy all week.