He has many things that he can talk about with me, but he always wants to talk about things that are not in his area of expertise. He is good with computers, he is good with the stock market, he is good with phylosophy. But, no, her odes not want to talk about the thngs that he is good at. he wants to talk about pharmacology, or music, or to speal Spanish, etc. I tell him how to improve, but he does not listen.
I try all the time to tell my slef that he is a wonderful person and that should be enough. It is hard for me.
I do not want to regret l;ater if I push him away. I am tired of him. He mirrors what I do. Echo personality. If I dance, he dances. If I moves, he moves. He copies from me, If I register for classes he wants to take thoose calsses with me. It is kind of parasitic, but I guess I am too lonely and I use it as an excuse. I do nto understand why I keep going out with him when he irritates me that much.
But I always attract either narcissistic or parasitic people.
I wish I could attrtact a person with emotional health that can grow up with me.
W's son is constantly losing jobs. He has not been capable of keeping a job for the last ten months that I have ben going out with him. I kind of understand that he buts head with the bosses and he has problems aknowledging the outhority and that is why he gets fired. I told him that his son needs counselling and that would help him to have a more successful life. He tells me, it is nothing. He has had bad luck. When there is a pattern, there is not bad luck. There is a pattern that has to be modified. W lives in denial fo everything.
Why do I critizise hime so much? Why am I being so jusgemental? he is a good person but he irritates me so much.
I do not know what to do.