Kathy & Ami...
One way to "get them out your head" is to focus just on YOU. Creating and defining your Self- esteem, worth, knowledge, bnoundaries, whatever. And this isn't as easy as it sounds... because you have to separate what is you from the FOO role, the way you grew because of that old role, etc. I've done that by journaling - for years, mind you - but I'm sure there are other ways. Be patient, every tiny moment that you are just being you - and they don't pop into your head - is progress and a real victory. Look for little things around you in the NOW that are beautiful... "just right"... that you are grateful for. No one can ruin those things or take them away from you or make them seem inconsequential. It's the actual time spent being you... that builds up... to offset the time we've spent on THEM, ya know?
As far as stress management... anything that involves the body that you are interested in enough to stick with, is helpful. Yoga - of any flavor, tai chi... anything that involves shifting your mind into attention on what you are doing with your body is relaxing. But so is a massage, a facial... a 20 minute soak in bubbles with candles & soothing music. Sometimes, when I'm totally "in a state"... I'll dive into exhausting gardening/landscape work.. that sort of burns off all the panic, anger, and frustration. I don't really talk to myself "in my head" when I'm doing that kind of work... just pulling this weed, trimming that branch... making it "just so"... the way I want it. Even housework can be "therapeutic", for me... if I can put that kind of intention and attention on it.
Dreams are another story all together. For me, they are usually messages to myself, from myself... about how I really feel, things I'm avoiding dealing with, or things I haven't yet learned to pay attention to. I've found that the feeling of the dream is more important than any events I can remember. And sometimes: they're just dreams - a blender full of things I'm processing on a deeper emotional level... and eventually, I dream it in a way that makes sense, to me, at least.
Hope that helps get you thinking about YOUR way to do this.