Thanks to all!! I am not dreading the chemo at all!! I know it is what I need to do to try to knock down any renegade cancer cells!! I am relieved beyond measure.
I am beat, however, because I went to Mayo and immediately over to Omaha for my class reunion. Went Friday and Saturday night and I was in bed exhausted by midnight on Saturday....
I would bounce around like a pinball bumping into people and chatting but then all of a sudden I was beat so I had to sit down.....after I ate I went into the bathroom and pulled off the girdle!! Haha....
The changes I have made, Ami. Well, it took me over 7 years but now I do not fall into the guilt trap when my mom throws it on me. If she says something sarcastic I respond with a smile on my face and just agree with her or something. Like if she says, "I wish the kids were in church more...." I say, "Yes, I wish they were too..." If she says she wants braces on my youngest daughter's teeth, I say, "make an appointment and take her...."
When I left and showed her I didn't need her, that was a good thing. I think she finally gave up. I was going to say no to her from time to time. I am always nice to her. I remove myself from her if she makes me uncomfortable. I don't discuss things that are hot buttons. I no longer lie.....I tell her I have a drink from time to time...
I am like a Phoenix and downloaded that song by Dan Fogelberg.......a line from that song.......No more living someone elses dream......