Yup, talked to my lawyer and together decided a formal appraisal is the right thing to do.
I can base my counteroffer on reality, not wishes, and in fact, the reality may favor me.
The appraiser was here this morning and was SUCH a nice man.
Asked me for more info, told me it is quite "dated" and made careful notes of all the things that lower its value.
At one point I'd retreated to my room to stay out of his way and heard my dog at the door, and since she (daffy old thing) had snarled at him when he first arrived, I said to her "Hi there sweetie, are you going to be good?"
And the appraiser walked in and said "Well I'm going to try to be good" and we shared a nice laugh. He also talked some about his own elderly mother and when he left, he said, "I'm going to do all I can to help you," and he was so kind I teared up.
I am sure he is principled and ethical and will appraise it honestly, and he may have been trying to remind me "I can only do what I CAN"--but I have a feeling that where there's a legitimate subjective interpretation that could go either higher or lower, he might choose lower.
We'll see. I'm glad I've done it either way, since moving forward will be reality based. May know by Friday.
I hope we don't have to drag on to another court session, but if we do, I'll be standing up straight.