Thanks for your support Moonflower.
I thought that I was Narcissist because I thought I had lost the ability to empathize.

Sometimes when someone gives me bad news I feel awful that I don't feel more empathetic. What I've learned about myself however is that I care a great deal what others think of me. Too much so in fact. This is the source of a great deal of my anxiety. I ask those closest to me if they think I am self centered, etc..., they always, unequivocally answer no. One friend did comment though that he thought I cared too much what others thought of me. This makes me lean towards being a people pleaser and alot of times I feel like I have a plastic grin on my face . Although I have this insight it's still difficult to control and not care what others think. I hope that with time, this will diminsh. (I'm only 34 years old)This anxiety has also led to depression. I feel I've made alot of progress though in the past few months and those closest to me are amazed at how much I've grown. Partly this can be attributed to medication, partly to my willing to take risks again. I started dating after perhaps ten years of not dating.(Can you imagine? Nearly ten years!) I entered a relationship that was the most rewarding I have ever been in in my adult life, albeit short term. She had to move away, but we remain friends and I keep in touch with her. My mother suffered from severe depression most of her life, God bless her though because I know she loves me alot and I recently made a decision to focus on the positives in my upbringing. No parent is perfect, and learning to love and forgive is probably the best decision I can make. I feel a little ambiguous though because in therapy, I focus on the Negative aspects of my upbringing; and they are there to be certain. My Mom may have been a Narcissist, I don't know, but if that's true I can forgive her and truly empathize because I know that deep inside she's hurt so much. Honestly, I'm not sure what a Narcissist is, but if anything like my Mom, they need more compassion and love from us than most people.
God Bless Yall
P.S. I'm also learning to love myself, and that's going to be the main ingredient in becoming whole once more. Last night I was able to be alone for the first time in a long time and be content. It was an awesome feeling. This morning I woke up to feelings of melancholy and when I went out to walk the dog, I became anxious, wondering what others were thinking of me. So two steps foward, one step back LOL.
I'll keep yall posted.
Moonflower, I'm sorry for your upbringing. I can only imagine what it must have been like to have an Nmom and an alcoholic father. You sound very caring and compassionate yourself though and it sounds like you've overcome alot.

Thanks again for your feedback.