Some therapists are just bad. It's not your fault. I had one several years ago who damaged me so badly that her words still hurt me. Like your guy, she also accused me of trying to manipulate her, said I was a chronic embellisher (thought I was over-exaggerating stories of my N mom), and labeled me a "drama queen." She clearly had issues of her own. The last time I saw her she was going through a divorce. I mentioned some marital problems that I was having, and she barked at me, "Well at least YOU'RE not going through a divorce." The simple truth, was that this therapist was just a bad apple, and I needed to move on. I've told my current therapist that I have been harmed by other Ts in the past, and she has acknowledged that yes, it unfortunately can happen, but it's important to move on and find a better fit, and not give up on therapy altogether.
You make a good point that not all older therapists are clueless. Many older doctors spend a great deal of time reading journals and keeping up on current issues, while others do not. I once had an elderly doctor (family practice), who ordered mammograms for me at 30, because I was a high risk for "never having children." I told him that I hadn't had children YET. His response was, "Well honey, you're 30 after all." Old school thinking - women don't have babies after 30.
By contrast, my dentist is almost 70, and throws himself into ongoing education. He reads constantly, has all the latest equipment in his office, and is always hungry for information on new technology. So yes, you make a good point, that it depends on the individual doctor. I think a doctor who is truly passionate about his or her profession will continue to educate themselves and stay current.
It stinks big time when we get hurt by a therapist, because we put our trust in these people, and share our intimate thoughts, and sometimes, we leave their office with even deeper wounds. Please don't let one bad experience stop you from seeking a better T. I would guess that everyone on this board probably has a horror story about a bad therapist. They're out there, for sure. Having a diploma just means that they went to school, but doesn't guarantee that they have the right skills to help us. Keep searching. Unfortunately, you may need to spend some time with your new therapist discussing what the bad therapist did, but it might help you. I needed to do that after being hurt by that one bad therapist, but the new therapist WAS able to help me to undo some of the damage. I also struggled to understand how a therapist could be so cruel to me, but the reality was simply that she was a BAD therapist, with issues of her own, who simply wasn't fit to help others. Please don't fear going to a new T. You may be pleasantly surprised, and find that the new therapist clicks with you and can help you. Do tell the new therapist that you have been hurt a previous therapist - I think that information will help them to help you. I do hope your upcoming appointments go well. Please let us know who it goes. I hope you receive the help you need.