Perfect love casts out fear. Most of our problems, Lise, are probably fear--fear we are not OK, fear that we really ARE what our NM's told us we were, fear that we will not be loved, accepted, fear that we will not be able to get "life' right and be failures.
Ami --once again, you hit the nail on the head. It is all about fear. First, though, thank you for the reflection on Christ and how moved you were at your temple.
Today, I'm in mostly frustration but the frustration IS from fear. I have been on unemployment for 3 months but in that time they have only sent me 3 checks and have been delaying in sending me money. It is almost impossible to get through to them, I've sent letters, emails etc, just when I start to think that they will send me a check, optimistically checking my mailbox, I am let down and led more into frustration.
It is getting more than I have ever experienced which is teaching me about just how spoiled I have been most of my life. There are people out there in this world who cannot get jobs or healthcare or are denied far worse than my life of comfort. I mean I have a cozy place to live, there is money for me if I need it, I have family, there are plenty of job opportunities for me, if I work hard for them. I have tons of friends, tons of things to do here, I have my health...unless I smoke myself to death anytime soon, then there is my relationship with reality do I need more?
It really is about giving up (an old FOO baby denial of needs wounds) which I was just not ready to do life has been trauma and in the midst of it I want comfort yet that comfort is being denied, sort of...there is still plenty of it, just not on my terms.
Anyways...I threw a tantrum this morning, now I feel like crap because I beat myself up when I have an expression of emotion. I beat myself up for not acting like a 12th century saint...they did not have, ipods, Comcast, unemployment benefits, computers, all the options and choices that we have, they had it easy, at least from my perspective, they had less to give up because there was just less to give up.
Teresa of Avila writes a book
The Interior Castle....I'm going to write a book called the
Interior Spa, it will be more appropriate for our times, we do not need castles to help defend against the outer world of fears...we need spa time, massages, pedicures, sleep in the sun, mud baths, facials etc...hugs and group therapy where we can pull ourselves out of the wicked shame spirals with story tellings and to translate this to an interior experience I have not figured out yet but I better start trying...soon, I am almost out of money.