Dear Lise
I,often, wonder HOW am *I* damaged with a NM? I wonder if I am an N or "whatever". God has been impressing on me that He can "turn a heart of stone in to a heart of flesh". That means to me that an N has a heart of stone(dead, no empathy) and He(with his love) can turn it in to a human heart (warm, empathetic)
I feel so much better that whatever the damage, God is big enough to heal. He can do it Himself when we are alone or He can send the right people. Either way, He is bigger than anything on this earth, even our upbringings.
I have just started to get this type of hope but I really do have it now! XXOOOO Ami
Ami - there are degrees....we love more or less, we hate more or less; we cannot measure ourselves to others, only what we are in what we do, with our own conscience and heart as a guide.
Sometimes I say screw the labels of NPD and all the other personality disorders labels...I have levels of N in me, I have a self that wants and needs still, but that does make my heart stone, just when I am in these dark wounds does my heart feel stoney, do I act in a self absorbed way as if the world does revolve around me and I am the center, but that is not my average reality, just my wounded one, the reality that I take ownership of.
In Scott Peck's book
People of the Lie he says that the truly evil, full NPD's do not question themselves, they do not have the ability to seek out help, never and not at all, even when they are finally alone, out of N-supply.
"and He(with his love) can turn it in to a human heart (warm, empathetic)" Your having some amazing insights.