Wow Kathy, thank you. The guilt is awful and I don't like it but then I think, what is worse. BTW, I just broke down as I replied to Ami's post....I just had to let out a scream or two and I think the neighbors heard me...oooops.

I will be here often to vent and thank you for allowing me to do that. I feel bad that your Nmom left you out of her will. That is so vindictive. My Nmom will do the same, I just know it. I know this is going to sound bad but here goes: I wanted to hold out until my mother died because I'm all she has (brother is complete NC) and I know everything is, or was, going to me, the house, the money, etc., and in some strange and awful way I feel that I deserve it for all she has put me through, that I want to take her money for retribution for the beautiful life she robbed me of. I want to be paid back, sort of I guess. How are you dealing with that?
I dropped out of college in my 3rd year because after a few less-than-average grades, I thought college was for the better, pretty, smart people and I certainly was NOT one of them. This 3rd year of college was the time my mother was at the PINNACLE of her rage, anger and craziness as her and my father were separating and/or divorcing. I was thrown into the middle and had to be the glue to hold my mother together while my life became became unglued. She did not care and could not control her emotions as they spilled out all over the place and I had to be there to sponge them up. I was clinically depressed and I didn't have the slightest idea at the time. I thought something was wrong with me and felt stupid for attending college in the first place. I made a poor attempt to commit suicide.
After trying to convey my sorrows to my mom and plead with her to ease up on me, where I cried to her that I was hurting in college and I also shared with her that my then boyfriend broke up with me and that I needed someone or sometihng to help me, I remember tears gushing down my face and begging her to stop raging and insulting me...I was in so much pain. I needed love and support. Well, my Nmom looked at me eye to eye and right then and there, her face turned to fire. Her words hung me like a noose, she said,
"HAAAHAAA, you can't keep a boyfriend let alone good grades and a clean room!" She mocked me and I collapsed. I had what I think was an emotional breakdown (or nervous breakdown) in my bathroom where all I remember is screaming and pounding on the walls with my fists until they swelled like boxing gloves. My mom heard this and kicked a big hole in the door and screamed at me "
something is wrong with have can't handle life, stupid." I shook uncontrollably for 9 hours and drove my car to I have no idea where, my hands were bruised for days. I will NEVER, EVER forget that. I may not forgive her either.
College was my life, my love of life, my passion, my stars in the sky, it was my salvation. I was too tired and exhausted to realize that at the time, I just wanted to give up. My Nmom's abuse was so intense that it crippled me, it crippled my ambitions and my dreams. Her rage fogged the lenses of my star gazing glasses and I could see nothing but darkness and hear her relentless anger and frustration with me. I was slow, stupid, messy, dumb, forgetful, a bad daughter and a bad family member to her family. I embarrassed her if I didn't treat her like a queen. She took her failed marriage out on me.
Okay, the vent will close at this time.
I want to go NC just for what I went through but life is not that simple as we all know. Everyday, I am actively working on this. She has wasted my time enough.