Or are all obsessively selfish people aware of the fact inside their private world and just deal with their public world differently?
What we call narcissism (and shorten to 'N') is, IMO, simply what used to be called spoiled. Parents spoil or dismiss children because thats what happened to them. It's just a vicious cycle.
I would like to bring up a subject, only to get input, sincerely not to upset any women in the group. I googled 'maternal gatekeeping' and it was quite interesting. Basically the concept is, good mothers feel secure enough to share power with a man in raising children while not so good mothers (NM's) must hoard this power for themselves, believing they don't need a man to help in the raising of boys (and girls too but the damage done is greater in boys). Now this is the vicious cycle. A boy raised my a NM, won't learn how to be a good man with healthy respect for women, and if he has children, will perpetuate the problem.
My NM's NM (my grandmother) was very selfish and bitter. My grandfather (her second husband) was, and is a good man, but is very deferential to women and put up with her mean spirit like a whipped puppy, staying out of her line of fire. I never once saw him tell her to sit down and shut the hell up, or 'leave that boy alone, he's just having fun. He also talked incessantly, but still a good moral man.
Sorry about that really. I got off on a personal and bitter tangent. My real question is, for a man, is it true N if your aware of it publicly and attempting to fix it? I'm so damn self-absorbed because I had no where to go as a kid but inward. Can the bells that tolled at 3 yrs of age be unrung at 36. The late 30's seem to be the age where this anxiety and depression hits men and women, probably because our bodies, and I suppose minds since they are a part of the body, begin to slip a little and youth begins to pass.
Very much looking forward to responses.