Author Topic: Is it stressful being an N?  (Read 1858 times)


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Is it stressful being an N?
« on: August 20, 2009, 05:10:02 PM »
I’ve been reading the book “Deadly Emotions,” which Kelly recommended to me. So far it’s been very informative, a real wake-up call. I’ve been having a lot of stress-related health problems over the last few years, and this book is really explaining a lot, and certainly making me aware that I need to work harder at stress reduction.

Anyway, this whole subject got me wondering if stress is exclusive to the victims of Ns, or if Ns experience stress themselves.

I’ve always assumed that my NM lived a completely stress free life. She always got her way, and when she didn’t, got great satisfaction out of exacting revenge, which must have felt awfully good to her. BUT, the events leading up to my abuse, usually her inability to control me, would create a great deal of anger and rage in her. She would often throw temper tantrums, stomp her feet, and physically act out. That said, once she collected herself and carried out her act(s) of revenge, she felt very satisfied in knowing that she had succeeded in hurting me. So if she had any stress, she would eventually get relief, whereas her victim would not.

The reason I’m asking, is because M was constantly sick with various illnesses, starting at around age 50, and now, in her early 70s, terminal lung cancer (and she doesn’t smoke). In addition to health problems, she always looked prematurely aged. After reading more about the stress/illness connection, I’m wondering if her medical problems may have stemmed from stress. She lived a life that was consumed with hatred and anger. That couldn’t have been a healthy situation.

Just curious what others think about this, or if anyone has read anything about the subject. I’ve never looked at it this way before, but it seems to make sense. I’m at least curious about it.


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Re: Is it stressful being an N?
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2009, 07:12:44 PM »

Hi JK,

I think stress is common to the human experience.  The stressors vary from person to person.  If a narcissist experiences stress, it makes sense that the stress would be largely due to lack of 'supply'.   



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Re: Is it stressful being an N?
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2009, 07:25:06 PM »
Dear ((Kathy))
 The  book I think has the most insight in to the minds of N's is  Malignant Self Love by Vaknin. It is expensive (self published) but  worth every penny.It was better than all the other popular books on N put together,IMO.
 I think the N has tremendous stress b/c they have less of a self than we(LV--little voices) do.
 They are almost all false self so they have to prop it up constantly.
 As I see my own wounding and particularly my own gigantic shame, I can see how they are running away from shame  BUT that does not give them one iota of a pass, not at all.
 I still have NC for survival.      xxoo   Ami
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Re: Is it stressful being an N?
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2009, 10:25:21 PM »

I think that anyone who is trying to make their way through life is stressed.  Life is stressful, unless you learn to deal with it in a functional way.  And even then, its stressful.  We have things happen to us that have nothing to do with our own coping mechanisms--death, illness, accidents, job losses, etc.

Narcissists have come up with a plan to reduce stress by controlling everyone around them.  We feel stressed because of their control issues--but I dont think that means they ARENT stressed.  I really think NPD'rs are dancing as fast as they can.  I read someones post that their mother insisted on a family visit that she talk to her brother and then the mother lost it when she wouldnt (was that your situation? I cant remember who it was.)  I remember thinking that that mother was probably trying to control the whole situation so she could convince herself that things werent as bad in her family as they really were.  I saw the desperation in the mother--if she wasnt able to control the daughter, she wouldnt be able to handle the reality of the situation.

What a horrible life.  I think that NPD'rs are about as stressed as they come.

When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: Is it stressful being an N?
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2009, 07:41:03 AM »
Your thoughts are spot on. I mentioned to my NM about driving to her brother's house 3 hours away to sit down and talk to him about what they're father was like growing up and she immediately starts going on about he won't talk to me about it and he'll just change the subject, belittling the idea totally, while it may very well be due to my NM's nuerotica that he doesn't talk to her and would welcome the opportunity to sit in the basement and pour it out to his nephew. Who knows?

I really think that until the individual really, really comes to grips that their parents didn't have the emotional independence to push them out of the nest, let them fail and grow from it, that their parents were young and running from their own problems, met by chance, were attracted by pheromones, and produced them, change is not possible. My father is gone and I'm working to keep my head above water and separate from my mother completely by moving away. As crazy insane as that sounds, I'm beginning to see how is just the hard truth. The situation will NOT be talked through.


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Re: Is it stressful being an N?
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2009, 10:08:54 AM »
Polymath, feel free to tell me to bug off, ok?

I want to ask you a question: you want to go see your mother's brother - your uncle - for a talk. Are you going to do it?

I'm not wanting you to answer me necessarily, but just a thought for you to consider.


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Re: Is it stressful being an N?
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2009, 12:03:06 PM »
I do get your point Portia. At this point, personally its not about not going because of what she said. My bitterness towards her pushes me in that direction out of spite. You know, 'everything you tell me not to do, I will do just to piss you off."

It really is more about apathy and lacking the energy and resolve to make the drive 3 hours away when it may or not have any effect.

I also have a great aunt (my evil grandmother's more down to earth older sister) who has acknowledged by grandmothers mean streak as a child. I'm interested in visiting her to learn more about that but again, apathy is a big hairy monster.


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Re: Is it stressful being an N?
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2009, 12:59:29 PM »
Mmm. I used to say: it's my anger that keeps me going (because I didn't have positive enthusiasm to energise me).
That's changed, but it took a lot of hard work and pain to change it.

I guess if you want to visit these people you will, and if you don't, you won't. It's up to you.

Sometimes I have to make myself do things when I don't know the likely outcome. I'm often surprised by how much I gain when I'm not looking too hard, or expecting too much. I do have to force myself though. I like to know things in advance, but life doesn't comply with what I want, darn it!


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Re: Is it stressful being an N?
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2009, 01:25:22 PM »
I find this subject interesting.  My Nmom was a rage-aholic.  She was angry 24/7, so she must have been stressed, right?  I really don't think N's properly handle stress, or they handle regular stress in a N way.  I'm curious to know which is it.  The slightest stressful situation would be like a tsunami of emotions for her and then she had to have a punching bag, the nearest was my dad and her children.

As for the being physically ill part.  Hmmmm. Don't know.  I know that my Nmom's mom (my grandmother) was the queen of N's and she still is.  I have a joke about her life in that she is sooo stubborn, selfish, ugly, demented, crazy, child-abuser, jealous thoughtless of a woman, that she will out live all of us!!  Grandma is still alive and kickin' and shows no signs of slowing down...she has great health but her mind is going.  She is 94 or 95 and has outlived one of her children and a grandchild even. 

N's may have more stress than the average person and then they want to make other's more stressed than them??

Maybe the N's have no stress at all, how could they?  It must be nice to throw trash onto everyone else and take ABSOLUTELY NO RESPONSIBILITY for it, right!!??  I wouldn't have any stress if I could just act out and not have a care in the world about anyone or anything but good 'ol ME!!


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Re: Is it stressful being an N?
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2009, 02:28:15 PM »
I read someones post that their mother insisted on a family visit that she talk to her brother and then the mother lost it when she wouldnt (was that your situation? I cant remember who it was.) 

No, it wasn't me, but I've seen similar behavior from my M. Trying to control someone (usually me), then, when she fails, just losing it. Actual foot-stomping temper tantrums.


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Re: Is it stressful being an N?
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2009, 06:21:08 PM »
Kathy, you have mentioned here and in another post about your Nmom with the tantrums and foot-stomping.  That is so my Nmom!!  Not so much now, but when I was growing up, wow!  She would also fold her arms and pout like a 5 year old.  She would pout and throw these tantrums when I was young I had no idea what to do!  I was panic stricken by them  but would eventually go over and hug her and tell her it will be okay.

On the subject of being physically sick.  I think something is going on with me right now.  Ever since my Nmom left my house 2 weeks ago and I have been going through this intense emotional reality of going NC and feeling angry and hurt all over again, I have developed strange and so "not me" physical symptoms.  My digestive track has been a mess and I have a pain in my back and neck, so bad I can't pick up my 2 year old very much.  Hmmmmmm. Tell me more about this as you seem to know more about the correlation than me...




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Re: Is it stressful being an N?
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2009, 07:53:43 PM »
The "strange and so 'not me' physical symptoms" could be anxiety. This is how my anxiety disorder started. It was very hard to explain to a doctor. All I could tell them was that I just felt "weird." I felt detached from things, just generally "off." If it persists, you may want to see a doctor. Psychiatrists are better trained to recognized Generalized Anxiety Disorder than a PCP is. If You are in the early stages of GAD, it can be reversed, but once the chemical imbalance in your brain goes totally out of wonk, it's pretty much with you for good.

You may just be experiencing stress, but do see a doctor if it gets bad enough to warrant concern. If you're feeling out of it, weird, confused, it might be anxiety. If you Google Generalized Anxiety Disorder, there's TON of information available, so you may want to do a little research and see if your symptoms match.


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Re: Is it stressful being an N?
« Reply #12 on: August 21, 2009, 08:02:02 PM »
We should do a thread on digestive problems. Before I found the board, I got so skinny cuz I could barely eat.         Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: Is it stressful being an N?
« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2009, 08:23:13 PM »
Irritable Bowel Syndrome is very common in women, and also a product of stress. People who have GAD frequently experience it. I had it for a while, but was able to get past it. But it's very uncomfortable - bloating, pain, constipation and/or diarrhea, even reflux. It's actually mentioned in this book that Kelly recommended as an offshoot of anxiety. When I had it, I also lost quite a bit of weight. My stomach hurt all the time, so I didn't want to eat. Again, you can Google this and find a list of the symptoms - see if they match up. Going NC is VERY stressful, so do what you can to manage it. Extra therapy sessions, maybe even low-dose Xanax for a few weeks. If you let it get to you too much, bad things can happen.

Take care of yourself.


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Re: Is it stressful being an N?
« Reply #14 on: August 21, 2009, 08:27:35 PM »
 I am better now but not able to eat like 'normal " people. I went out tonight with people eating fish and chips and thought "Never"!
 Yoga has helped with digestive problems as well as finding s/one to work through deep issues of unworthiness and lack of identity.
 I marvel at people who can eat anything!      Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung