Hey Judy,
It never ceases to amaze me when I see that there are other women who have done such things to their daughters, not in a 'I feel unique' way, but rather, it's one of those things that you want to think they are extremely rare, and I don't mean rare as in precious. I have been thinking lately that these women satisfy their sadistic need to have, not a child, but a doll they can overpower, something that is soul-less, a 'thing' they can shape to match/fit their perversion.
I can relate to what you say about her feeling triumphant about you having hot flashes. It happened to me as well, not the hot flashes and in reverse. Because I studied dance, I didn't have any cellulite for years (I do now!) and she would say 'how come you don't have cellulite' as if I should have because she does. She also moaned about me not having yellow teeth from smoking (I also do now!), so it's like feeling jealous of your own daughter because she is younger. How can this happen??? HOw is it possible?
My hair was chopped off as punishment and it's a long story but she said that night that she did it to shave off the evil element in me so when the new hair grows, a new me, a 'good child' will grow with it.