Hey Mo2 - you got any kindling? I've got my lighter... I think we need a small bonfire over here!
Hopsy, dearest - I read your plan and I don't like it one bit. I realize that it seems to offer some safety... stability... and seems like it won't require a lot of energy. I've tried this - more than once - and jeez... it just didn't work. On that last job, with N-boss, I took exactly the same strategy... and I found that it was an even worse drain on my energy, my creativity, my life-force... and it certainly didn't stop the confrontations or the abuse. Eventually, I felt like I was building my own prison walls... and self-limiting... and no, damn it... I still wasn't "safe" from the predations.
Why should we live - or work - like that? Let me do my best Scarlett O'Hara imitation: " I swear.... I'll never let myself go hungry... again!!" It's like saying that you'll accept being depressed and living less than a full life... for the sake of the paycheck. So you make him uncomfortable?? OK - what is he going to actually DO about that? Without making himself look like a total jerk?? Yes... there will be incidents like the meeting... but you have amazons... and armor... and we have magic ways of taking the sting out of those impotent, but still hurtful arrows. Remember, living well - i.e., getting an even BETTER job and being totally happy - is the best revenge on these kinds of people. You know the old saying, "keep smiling - it keeps them guessing" ? It works wonderfully on Ns. They'll go mad trying to figure out why you're not miserable. Don't give the %*^%@ reason to feel like he's dimming your light and that you'll just accept it.... no......
So I'm going to challenge your assumption that you can't change your job because of the mortgage. Truly - they don't care where you work, as long as your income is equal to the present income. Depending on where you are in the process, you may not be able to transition to a new job - just yet. You do want to wait until you've closed on the mortgage. But that doesn't mean you can't start LOOKING now. That will take some time, in any case, partly because of scarcity and because you don't want to put yourself into the same kind - or worse - situation. You'll want to get a really good feel for the philosophy and the "vibes" of a place and the people in it next time. Not that that's a guarantee... but it is a help. We do have pretty good radar... for things that aren't quite what they seem.
No one should live half an existence - even at work. It's a pall on your life. It sounds like it's an open secret with the other employees - the way your boss is. That's excruciating, I know. Same with my old N-boss and he's guilty of actionable offenses. I'm not recommending open warfare, mind you. Just do what you do, the way you love to do it... knowing that there will be a price for it... until you can change jobs. And keep looking for the "middle way"... there are always more options popping up, once we start to look for them.
For what it's worth, that's my two cents...