Author Topic: Recovered Memories  (Read 1957 times)


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Recovered Memories
« on: September 03, 2009, 05:39:41 PM »
Hi everyone,

I noticed someone mentioned recovered memories on another thread and would be very interested in any experiences regarding this that people are willing to share.

I am struggling a bit at the moment with what may be memories, but I am very confused about what goes on inside my head.  They are mostly to do with things that seem to have happened during my teenage years.  Some of the memories are very tiny fragments but often there are details that I know are not correct.  For example, I 'remember' something happening in my room, but the wallpaper is completely wrong and is the wallpaper from another room in the house.  In another memory the furniture is in the wrong places, with some of it being in positions it could never have actually fitted in.  Some of the memories are such tiny fragments that I can't say with any certainty whether or not they're real.

I am having therapy at the moment and my therapist suggested I write things down as they come up and then we talk through it during the session.  She also suggested that we just assume it's all real for now and work through any feelings that come with it, rather than trying to figure out whether or not it really happened.

I just wondered if other people have remembered things that they had forgotten about for a long time and how that came about.  Did it pop back quickly or did it come in bits and pieces?  Did you have concerns that you weren't remembering real things?  I do get worried that I'm just looking for excuses to justify all that is wrong in my life and that my brain is just kind of filling in the gaps.  I also worry because I did a lot of drug taking when I was younger and I wonder if that might be doing something to my brain now.  Would be interested in any experience anyone else has had with this sort of thing.  I read some articles on the internet about recovered memories and there seemed to be some very divided opinions, which didn't help to reassure me!

Thanks in advance for any responses,



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Re: Recovered Memories
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2009, 06:17:28 PM »
I will write about it later tonight or tomorrow, (((Twoapenny)))))) It is really upsetting to think about, to believe *I* even lived it but I did and you are reaching out so I will be back..  Warm wishes sent to you,  Ami.
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Re: Recovered Memories
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2009, 06:37:32 PM »
Hi twoapenny, good to see you over here.

I actually have a pretty good memory and with a few exceptions, I don't think there's anything to recover exactly, more just things I've forgotten about, and they pop up in full color as soon as something triggers the memory. I did experience those dreamlike memories like you are describing, but in my early childhood. I have a few memories from when I was about two from a trip we took cross country in the car, but it's hard to tell if they are real or if I dreamed them. I can remember remembering them, if that makes sense? I have fragments of driving, and the terrain, which I would remember because it's much different from the terrain where I am from, and being at my Grandparents' house and going to Mt. Rushmore. I tried to ask my NM once if Mt. Rushmore had a visitors' center that looked a certain way, but she didn't take me very seriously.

My memories don't really firm up until I started school at six but I have lots of bits and pieces from earlier. Are they real? Does it matter? I'm not sure. Lots of them are kind of mundane but I think some of them I remember because of how they made me feel. Since my memory is generally pretty good, I wonder if I blanked out parts of my very early childhood because of what was going on in my house--my dad physically abused my mom, and though I don't believe I witnessed any of this, I must have heard things. I do remember being sent outside when they were yelling at each other. I wasn't physically abused by NM, but I do have some physical reactions to strife and violence (feeling the need to duck and cover) that make me wonder what really went on... I should ask my brother. I'm NC with my NM right now and if I asked her she'd just use it as an opportunity to rant about my NF.

I did a lot of mind-altering substances when I was a teenager too, and I've worried about it a bit, but honestly I don't think it harmed my memory. I actually freak my friends out with how clear and detailed my memories are about certain events from back then. I do notice that I sometimes can't remember words or people's names a lot more than I used to, but I think that's because ADD gets worse when you age, and also just because I'm aging, darn it.

Sorry I can't be more help--I do have a couple of friends who have completely blanked out their teenage years because of trauma. If I remember (ha ha), I'll ask them how their memories come up, if they do at all.


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Re: Recovered Memories
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2009, 06:58:42 PM »

Hi and thank you, it's good of you I know all of this sort of thing is tough so I am always very grateful to people who share what they've been through and learnt, so thank you in advance.


Hi, good to see you too!  It's amazing that you have so many memories from early on, I do get what you mean by remembering you remembered!  I had virtually no memories of anything much before the age of seven; there are bits and pieces but it's very fragmented, although none of it's unpleasant (not too much anyway!).  What was funny is that I have remembered some really nice things about my dad (he died when I was young) and I did start to remember him playing with us when we were young and telling us funny stories.  That part's been good (that was a couple of years ago now) but the other stuff is a lot less pleasant.  You have the opposite of me from your drug taking years, I have huge gaps and have even said "who's that" when looking at a picture of myself which is ridiculous!  What you say about how your memories made you feel is interesting; at the moment I seem to be getting mental images with no feelings at all but then very acute feelings with no mental images.  Sometimes it's really scary; I can actually feel hands on my throat and I can't breathe but I'm fully aware that there aren't any hands on my throat and that there's no reason why I shouldn't be able to breathe, if that makes any sense?  It's all very confusing!

Thanks for your thoughts, it's always interesting to hear what other people experience.

Take care,



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Re: Recovered Memories
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2009, 06:07:58 AM »
Dear (((Twoapenny)))))
 I feel not able to share right now. I hope to be back soon but feel not able to bring it up and out right now. Hope you understand.            Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: Recovered Memories
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2009, 06:17:34 AM »
Hi Ami,

Of course I understand, I'm sorry if bringing this up is upsetting for you, please don't feel obliged to share anything that is too painful, i would never want to cause anyone more pain.  Hope that the feelings pass quickly for you and please don't feel obliged to post at a later date, I understand completely.

Sending love and warm thoughts,



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Re: Recovered Memories
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2009, 06:56:38 AM »
 I will PM you.        Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Recovered Memories
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2009, 07:09:20 AM »
Hi Twoapenny...

Yes, I "recovered" memories - things that I'd completely blocked from my mind. Before remembering, there were big blank spots... in what was otherwise a very detailed, even sensory input stream of time chronology and events and feelings in my memory.

I found my memories through inner child work - and often they would be tiny bits of a scene (remembered as if I was watching someone else and from being the "star" of the memory - complete with thoughts & feelings from the experience) or little nuggets of perception or a day, place or activity. Sometimes, there was more to it... sometimes not. Sometimes it was dim & foggy... and sometimes glaringly bright and in all it's terrifying detail.

The reason there is discussion about whether this is even possible is that once upon a time, not so long ago, there were some questionable therapists who would "lead" a patient into remembering things that may/may not have happened. From what you've described, it would appear that you have a good therapist... she is encouraging you to remember - ON YOUR OWN - whatever comes up, and then bring to the session and discuss. That is a very important point - for you. It means only you are deciding if there is anything important about a memory... and you are not being persuaded to believe something otherwise.

The vagueness and fuzziness of the memory itself, could be a form of self-protection. If you FEEL something foreboding, anxious, or angry when remembering that memory... there MIGHT be more memory than you are allowing yourself to "see" at the moment. If so, my advice, is to go slow... wait for the story behind the memory to come to you... don't go demanding, rushing, ripping the "secret" out of it's hiding place - that HURTS and is counterproductive. Your Ts advice to bring the memories to her, are wise and intended to help you learn to pace yourself in that kind of work... to stay SAFE, even with knowledge of the memory.

OH... and YES, what I remembered was REAL. I've spent a long time proving that to myself and un-doing the doubt that was created by my mother who told me it wasn't, at the time... that I hallucinated (did they put acid in the water at school? I don't think so...) - made it up - or dreamed it. We call that "gaslighting"... but it's like brainwashing and it's intended effect is to make you doubt your own experience - thoughts, memories & feelings - and to substitute THEIR version of "truth" instead. (see my recent FOO repetition thread for the most recent "proof"...)

On a more personal level: it's OK, sweetie. You are safe now, even though what might be lingering in those dark, unexplored corners of memory is pretty damn scary & confusing... you ARE safe now. Learn the simple breathing and body relaxation techniques to help you feel safe "in your own skin". They work and are necessary tools.

I also worried about looking for reasons to "blame" someone else... but for now, let your mind just "fill in those gaps" and tell yourself you'll decide LATER about blame, responsibility, real/not real... just let the story come to you. There is plenty of time - LATER - to work through all that... first you have to know what the story is, that's been hidden, guarded, and protected for so long. And realize, there might be layers to it...

I think you're in good hands with your T... good luck! and if you just need a hug or reassurance, all ya gotta do is ask here...
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Re: Recovered Memories
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2009, 03:48:21 AM »
Dear Phoenix,

Thank you so much for your reply.  So much of what you say rings true for me and I am particularly thankful for your reassurances of safety.  This is what I am really struggling with at the moment - I feel so scared and alone.  There are days when I'm too frightened to go out of the house and I am working hard on getting past that at the minute.  I've been repeating to myself over and over that I am safe and it is calming me down so thank you for that.

What you describe about foggy memories or feeling as if you're watching something is exactly what I've been experiencing lately, with two other memories coming back like freight trains - startlingly clear, as if they happened only yesterday.  It has reassured me to know that other people have experienced the same things.

I'm glad that you feel my therapist is on the right track.  I've seen her for years now on and off and I like her a lot; she's very honest and very direct with me, which I like (I think it comes from the years of so much 'gaslighting' as you mention; I really like people who are direct and say exactly what they mean).  She lets me go at my own pace; some sessions get very deep very quickly and others we more or less just chit chat because I'm not really up to anything else.  I trust her implicitly and I feel that she genuinely cares, rather than just genuinely caring about whether I pay by cash or cheque ;).

I have taken note of your advice to take it slowly and not to try to rush or push the memories.  I am trying to keep myself healthy physically and to keep myself busy and not to ruminate on it all too much.   I do find it hard not to worry about whether or not it's real, but I realised after I read your response that it's only me that knows about it anyway at the minute, so even if it isn't real, it won't matter because the only other person that knows is my therapist and she doesn't think I'm nuts because she's told me so!

I really appreciate the time and trouble you took over your reply; it has helped me a lot and I will keep reminding myself of the advice in it.

Thanks again, and hoping that you are in a peaceful place right now,



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Re: Recovered Memories
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2009, 06:43:04 AM »
You're welcome!

That place, when the memories start to come back can be scary... for lots of reasons. Write things down... just as raw as they come to you - including the feelings. You'll be recording the immediacy of it - the impact. And then, you can re-read later... and evaluate it for yourself... process those feelings that have been held in aspic all this time. It will help, I think... it did for me.
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