I was so stressed that my jaw began to lock up for no reason.
That happened to me when I was 12. I couldn't eat and my jaw clicked painfully when it would open. All I know is my parents stopped drinking around that time and it got better.
Regarding passions: I've recently started doing stained glass and LOVE it. But tapes in my head say I have to know how to do everything right the first time and not make mistakes, so it can be frustrating because I just started and am learning.
When the weather starts cooling down, you've put me in the mood to bake some bread. I can smell your bread...mmmmmmmmmmm. 
Stained glass is FUN!!!!! I'm not an expert but I do ENJOY doing that!!!!!! If I had enough money, and enough space in my home, I would be doing stained glass Christmas ornaments and sun-catchers a lot!
And yes, I want to bake more bread in my bread machine!!!!!!!