So I finally emerged from the total dominance of my Narcissistic Mother......and what a battle it was. Hard fought. Lots of blood, sweat and tears!!
Then my daughter gets married and has a baby.
Then I get a cancer diagnosis and am going through chemo.
Then my middle daughter goes away to college.
Then my precious father dies.
Now I am grieving. I am tired. I miss my dad. I miss my daughter.
What more can I do? How much more can I take??
It is my turn to LIVE!!!!
I was just thinking about this, Kelly. Do you feel it is SELFISH to live? I do. Down deep, I think I am sucking the life out of my M if *I* live.
It is deep and I have just gotten in touch with it from the help of my friend, Helen, who pointed it out from one of my posts. Maybe ,it does not apply to you but thought I would get your insights on it.
((((((Kelly)))))) Big Hugs OOOOOOOO Ami