And the Dense N's can be FRUSTRATING!!!!!
For example, the group I was with during this past weekend included at least two DENSE N's. One of them just LOVES to hear the sound of his own voice and will repeat the same story over and over again because HE thinks it's funny! The story in question is actually gross and nasty and NOT at all appropriate for discussion at the dinner table!
We had just come back from watching the movie and we were in the midst of eating dessert. The self-voice-loving N started to repeat the same nasty story, for the upteenth time, AGAIN, because HE thought it was SO hilarious! Several members of the group spoke up and said: "NOT WHILE WE ARE EATING!!!!" His response? "Well, I THINK IT'S FUNNY!" and continued with the story. Another group member objected and said: "I don't want to hear that story AGAIN, especially while I'm eating! I know where that story is going to go!" The N repeats that HE thinks it's hilarious and continued with the nasty story! I lost my patience and I shouted: "(Name) SHUT UP!!!!!!!" That FINALLY stopped him in his tracks!
The other DENSE N managed to tick off the group. She was supposed to make the travel arrangements, on behalf of the group, which included the hotel reservations and the VIP passes to get into the Star Trek Exhibit. We asked her, several times, via e-mail and she kept re-assuring us that everything was on track. When my roommate and I got to the hotel, we discovered that even though the price included the VIP passes, there were NO VIP passes available to us! Turns out that the ONLY person who got a VIP pass was the N, HERSELF, who was supposed to make these arrangements for the group! We let her know how we felt about that! Her comment? "I guess that wasn't a good idea, huh?" I snapped back: "NO IT WAS NOT!"
The final thing she did confirmed to me, "She's an IDIOT!" I was crossing the street and a car was trying to make a right turn into the group of pedestrians crossing the street. As I'm trying to maneuver and dodge this car, in the middle of the intersection, I'm hearing my name being yelled SEVERAL times! I turn my head to see who in the HECK is SCREAMING my name like that! It's the DENSE IDIOT EXPECTING ME TO STAND IN THE MIDDLE OF TRAFFIC AND WAVE AT HER!!!!! M-O-R-O-N!!!!!!!