Your post makes perfect sense. I think that wounded people, who did not get much attention or who suffer from a low sense of self value because of our N upbringing, not getting mirrored in genuine love, gravitate toward celebrities or important people. Even just our teachers or unconsciously our bosses, giving them far more power than they deserve to have in order to rewrite the unhealed story of what it was like to not be valued or feel important to our parents, at least not our emotional life.
When I was 15 I was taken out of my home by the police and placed in protective custody with CPS. The counselors and social workers, judge, etc., did much in terms of healing this wound for me. They, in their compassion, really validated my pain and truth as well as showed me that I was valued, they did not even know me but they worked, fighting to protect me from my NM, standing up for me. I think that in the midst of the darkness of being taken away from my family there was this profound healing going on for me, or at least emotional and spiritual rescues for me that only in later years, by seeing myself not drawn to important people, or exaggeratively putting them up on a pedestal, do I see just how I learned that I was valued in just being here.