Thank you CB,
I appreciate your post., and yes there is much I cannot say, as it wouldn't be suitable: more of a need to know basis.
I cannot even begin to think of Susan's life then again, I feel akin to her and sense some areas where I expect we are much the same.
If I can explain, and anyone here picture it, she has her dream. We know that, but at 47? What to do 2 years after her mother dies and she's stopped, ............ her songs and the emotion put into them, we can tell she is feeling deeply.
I Dreamed a Dream
Wild Horses (couldn't have pulled her away from her dying mother)
You'll See ( I'll show all you people who made me cry!)
Moon River (Can think only somebody/thing and she are off to find the pot of gold)
I see she personalizes the songs and that is Okay. I personalize the ones I write as that is all I know, but will make something I felt re my daughter, written for a man who appears to be singing to his gal. It really works and makes me one step removed, as the author.
Say I were to have a song published, performed & go "ape sh*t", I would too, as Susan did. I wouldn't believe it. It would be surreal! What if that were a one time thing? etc....all the what ifs
but to realize REAL is to be gobsmacked with the demolition ball and appear crazy.
She no more crazy than I......oh!.......what does that say? She is fine. It was immense that from singing her audition song to being known world wide, took about 9 minutes through Youtube--something I read, for what it's worth, and a mega star in 6 months.
For her, Simon's expression appeared to be the most sincere I've seen.
Thank you too, for your reference on the other post about "my getting through life". Sometimes everything is so natural as is, then something will happen every once in a while, i.e. once passing my bed I noticed my hospital corners awry, so I started at them and stood up ro complete the move, forgetting I couldn't stand and fell all over the place, upsetting my vanity, stool and makeup, but no broken bones.
You take care and come back every so often. WE need to hear from you, too!
Oh I wrote a song sounding like one lover leaving another, but it's also about leaving Scotland for America, and homesickness will take her/him back. Needs work as I just did it tonight!