Thanks for the warm welcome and kind words Hopalong! I appreciate your first sentence, b/c I have worried about people judging me for going into this field! It's so sad though to imagine how many kids may be in my shoes and nobody is giving them the help they need.
I know I'm not responsible for my parents, but I sometimes (like most abuse survivors ) have that nagging voice to desperately picturing them as "not so bad" a little girl that just wants the parents that she never had! Luckily, that wishful voice is quieting down and I'm seeing my parents for what they truly are.
My step-dad acts very sweet now, and I once said to my therapist "Right now, my step-dad's better than my mom, b/c my step-dad at least keeps his distance. My mom is still intrusive and abusive to this day." Sounds screwed up, but it was my way of adapting to my situation.
Anyhow, looking forward to reading everybody else's posts!